Top 3 ways to get free crypto

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1 year ago

1.Coinbase learning rewards

You've probably already heard of coinbase. If you haven't it's a crypto exchange and wallet. When you have an account you can earn crypto from learning about it. Rewards can go up to 12 dollars. A downside is that you have to have certain requirements to enter the waitlist( Check here  to see if you are eligable.).


GodsUnchained is a free nft card game. Using $Gods as its currency, GodsUnchained is game where you can sell cards for cash. You start with free cards, but you need to fuse them to sell them. It has a thriving comunity and won't be going anytime soon.

3. Survey websites.

Survey websites aren't a good way to get crypto, but you can get it. Here is a list of some websites that pay crypto. FreeCryptoRewards 

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