Raise The Standard (Part 1)

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3 years ago


“A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be.”


Man has always been familiar with the concept of buying and selling since time immemorial, and the chances are that you too might have probably bought or sold something today, and if you haven’t done that yet, you will do it tomorrow.

Whereas for some people, they’ve been so familiar with the concept of buying and selling, that they often forget to remember that some kind of transactions were being executed by them.

Moreover, this scenario is often so, and not until they start to look for the money or the sold product, that it suddenly hits them in the head that they’ve actually bought something with the said money or perhaps, received a check in the mailbox from the customer whom they’ve sold the product to.

It’s even so serious that we’ve set aside a given location which we call market, where buying and selling is the order of the day. However, we still aren’t satisfied because the aim for which the market was being set up, has already been defeated so long as we’ve now evolved ourselves to numerous online marketplaces; with the sole purpose of satisfying our insatiable buying and selling appetites, for billions of people around the world.

The industry is so enormous that it has even created a lot of tens of billionaires and hundreds of thousands of millionaires. Now you may be wondering at how this information does connects and relate with your mind programming?

Well, the answer is not far fetched from it in a sense that; like buying and selling, we too as human beings who by living every single day of our lives, tell and give out to the world an idea of how much we’re worth, which happens to be our intrinsic value.

We tell and show the world how to treat us, and this can be seen in the actions we take. The decisions we make daily, like the type of dreams that we’ve chosen to pursue, which is usually in full synchronization of the image that we’ve come to hold about ourselves in our mind, and even after that we’ve now declared your perceived worth and value, the world would still want to price us down. Now ask yourself, on why is this so?

“If you want to change your life, you have to raise your standards.”


Again and again, we always behold this scenario that keeps on happening daily in our marketplaces, with questions like these being put out to us, in the format like, aren’t you asking too much? Does this worth it? Does it worth me paying this much?

The list to this kind of question goes on and on, and for some customers, they even tend to get angry while outlining their truckloads of reasons, as to why they shouldn’t be paying that much. Reasons like; the material aren’t that strong and expensive, and it’s not going to last that long, it’s of low quality, and so on.

What an irony of life, because I hardly see a buyer opting to give more to the seller than that which they’ve asked for, as a result of their well-perceived value of the product they feel that they are about to buy. Now consider the below conversation between a buyer and a seller;

BUYER: How much does this item cost?

SELLER: That will cost you $100.

BUYER: How about if I give you $500 for it?

SELLER: What! Didn’t you hear me well? And why would you want to do that? You’ve got other important things to buy and do with the rest of the money.

I believe that your response to the buyer will undoubtedly be the same as that of the seller, and that’s because of your good large heart as you might even talk them out of it unknowingly, and that’s because you feel that you aren’t worth that much, or maybe I guess that’s why you don’t even see any kind of such scenario. And who knows, you might have also successfully talked the world out of it with your old programming.

We must learn to always feel worthy for both the very good that we desire, and the very good that we’ve received. Move from feeling worthless to feeling so worthy, move from fear to faith. We are always worth very much more than we can ever come to imagine.

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3 years ago
