Raising Mental Health Awareness: Scizophrenia,Type of Mental Disorder

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3 years ago

Schizophrenia is the most common severe mental illness ,affecting around 1% of the global population. That was 2003, how about this time when we are experiencing this kind of pandemic?

It is typically occurs during adolescence ages 14-16 ,but most patients are first treated at the age of 18-20.

Some characteristics of schizophrenia: Great changes in patient's thought and behavior, they lose touch with reality as they constantly suffer from hallucinations and delusions. It is curable but relapse is common among patients who fail to receive proper treatment.

Abuse of restricted drugs such as ecstacy,ketamine and amphetamines can also affect the secretion of dopamine in the brain,resulting in the emergence of symptoms of schizophrenia and may even cause permanent damage of the brain.

These are the ACUTE symptoms of schizophrenia. You should remember this because maybe one day you will be able to identify if someone is experiencing this kind of disorder.

DELUSIONS it is distorted perceptions of reality. Patient believe that one is being watched or plotted against,or that someone has put certain thoughts into one's brain. He believe that one's thought are being broadcast around the world by eadio or television. He believe that one is granted special faculties and can thus receivespecial instruction from God through secret codes found ik newspapers and tv programs.

HALLUCINATION. Someoneone experience false senses. Ome hears voices telling onr what to do or criticizing one's thoughts and behavior. The patient is often talking to himself when in fact he is speaking with the voice he heard. Patient sees things that others do not see,or has abnormal sensations such as that of many worms crawling on his body,when in fact there are none.





For a person to be diagnosed as having schizophrenia must have 2 or more symptoms for a least a month and the incidence must be sufficiently high.

Raising Mental Awareness: Schizophrenia as a type of mental disorder.

In my last post,I discussed about the acute symptoms of schizophrenia. Now,l will tackle about the chronic symptoms and the major types of treatment of schizophrenia.


EXPRESSIONLESS. Slow emotional response, slow motion,peculiar or stiff postures.

SOCIAL WITHDRAWAL. Retreat from society and relationships with others.

LOSS OF MOTIVATION. Lack of interest in doing anything ,neglect of personal hygiene.

POVERTY OF SPEECH. Slow speech ,unable to speak clearly.

The major types of treatment of schizophrenia are Medication and Rehabilitation. Medication includes anti-psychotic drugs which effectively reduce schizophrenic and psychotic symptoms and prevent relapses.

Rehabilitatiom includes self-care and vocational and social skills training. These can help patients reintegrate to society.

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3 years ago
