The safari: my dream vacation

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2 years ago
Topics: Fiction, Vacation, Safari

Hey guys sorry I have been MIA for almost a week now. I have just been trying to put thing together. Thank you all for your support I can’t appreciate you all enough.

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I am sure if I made a questionnaire and handed it over to everyone on this site asking them to state their dream vacation and why, I am sure most of them would say Dubai or Mauritius. For me as long as I could remember the safari has been the one place I had wanted to go to since childhood.

So yesterday I went to visit a friend we spoke for a while and then she started to play a south African song which reminded me of the feeling I wanted to feel when I finally go on a safari vacation. Immediately the song started to play for a while I found my self explaining to her the experience I hope to get when I finally go on this vacation.

Disclaimer: all images used on this article are totally fictional and source from unsplash .

My fictional vacation to the safari

This is my first attempt on a fictional vacation or anything fictional at all so I hope I do justice to this … and so it begins …


Myself , @Gaftekloriginal @King_Gozie@HappyBoy @Toka and @Greatwolfman took a long flight from Lagos, Nigeria traveling over 3000 miles to get to Tanzania. When we arrived we lodged at the prestigious four season safari lodge. We needed a sweet rest after a long journey like that. @Greatwolfman made a schedule of how he thought we should spend our 3-day vacation, quickly adding that he would love to see the wolf before he left with an excited face . Happyboy was busy explaining to the porter that he wanted his luggages brought to the first floor and although we all got different rooms we decided we were going to meet at the lounge for diner later that evening.

Soon enough @Gaftekloriginal and @Toka met and agreed to go swimming at the pool. They needed to cool down their body’s temperature and blow off some steam, it probably is an overwhelming feeling visiting a new county for the first time. They needed to get acquainted with the weather as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I was in my room preparing a playlist of songs we would listen to when we finally get to drive around the safari. I called @King_Gozie asking him if he had any songs he wanted to add to the playlist . Soon we had over 30 songs ready, we named the playlist “the great safari adventure playlist” cool right ? . After a while , I was feeling famished so we all got together, headed straight for the lounge for a quick drink and some food. Gaftek LOriginal and I ordered butter baked lobster tail while the rest of the gang add the hotel’s special. We stayed for a while discussing new business ideas and what we plan to do when we get back. Soon enough we were done eating after a few bottles of vintage wine, we retired to our bed for the night in anticipation of tomorrow’s adventure.

The Serengeti safari Tanzania

As early as 6:00am @Greatwolfman woke the gang up with motivational quotes on the WhatsApp platform, he does this all the time . Before 6:30 am we were all up and ready . I went for a run, did a few exercise, took my bathe then got ready for breakfast. We had scrambled egg, some bacons and tea for breakfast.Few minutes after we finished breakfast our tour guide arrived Mr tanbala; who is a native of maasai:- a very popular native here in Tanzania. He spoke quite eloquent for a man who grew up and schooled in Tanzania. He had been working as a tour guide on the safari for almost two decades. He sat down we all introduced ourselves , we spoke a little about the things we wanted to see and how excited we were to be here. Toka didn’t speak much he was a little under the weather so he was quite gentle . We suggested he stayed back but he was quick to convince us that it was nothing serious and we needed not to worry. At 12:00am sharp we made our journey to the safari .

First was nature’s biggest mammal the elephants. The elephant is probably my favorite land mammal. They are so gentle and friendly but can also be aggressive when they need to be, somewhat like a gentle giant . Mr tanbala shared a few experiences about the elephants. Even though @Gaftekloriginal requested we drove closer so as to get a better view of their huge trunks we couldn’t because the elephants were huge and Mr tanbala adviced against it so we just took pictures from a distance and then continued our journey.

Next was the giraffe . They looked exactly like they did on nat-geo wild. We drove a little closer so as to get a better view of the giant. We could see him eat from the tallest tree’s branches, with it huge feet it stumped the earth causing dust to rise and spread through the winds. The giraffe is my third favorite animal because it body structure amazes me every single time I take a look at it. We stayed a while looking at what the giraffe would do next but soon we got tired and then drove off .

Few miles from the giraffe’s location was the zebras. They moved in a large group with the young ones at the fore front . I particularly liked the zebra because of it body colors and the fact that it is built like a horse only smaller. They moves around smaller trees and grasses because of visibility: so as to notice an incoming danger or threats from wild animals. We couldn’t take closer pictures because they moves so quickly and in groups so we only took a few and drove off.

By the time we were done moving around and discussing about the animals we had seen earlier it was 5:45 pm already @HappyBoy and @King_Gozie suggested we get back to the hotel and continue the next day. Besides @Gaftekloriginal mentioned he was feeling sleepy not to mention Toka’s health earlier. Soon we turned the jeep we were in around and headed back to the hotel. We concluded that tomorrow we would venture on the wild side so as to see some wild animals like the lion, the tiger , the cheetah and other rare animals in the safari Mr tanbala talked about.

After a short drive for about 10 minutes and a few short cuts we finally arrived at the hostel. Placed our food order, ate and retired to our rooms for the rest of the night

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings, what new adventures awaits us and what knew things we were going to find.

Stay tuned for the next episode of this fictional tale.

Thank you for your time as always do visit my other articles if you loved this work.

Till I write again stay safe

Peace ✌🏼

$ 0.12
$ 0.07 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.03 from @Freedom007
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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Avatar for Jumper-01
2 years ago
Topics: Fiction, Vacation, Safari


It was as if I was there in the real scene, nice one bro. I hope happyBoy was able to invite more people to readcash over there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes as always he is always making plans to benefit everybody

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice one bro👏👏👏 i was imagining the scenes as i was reading each line. By the way, hope Gaftekloriginal got a Tanzanian wife while we were there?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He sure did 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

See mouth, you nko? You get wife for yourself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No vex bro😂.By the way, Hope you know I'm a married man with 7 kids?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not a lie, confirm😅😅😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago