A little white lie- the lily story.

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1 year ago
Topics: Lies, Story, Lessons, Writing, Blog, ...

3rd of April 2023

Lead image and other image from unsplash.com

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who lived in a small village with her family. Lily was a kind and honest girl, but she had a habit of telling little white lies to avoid getting into trouble.

One day, Lily's mother asked her to clean her room before dinner. Lily, who was engrossed in a book, didn't want to stop reading, so she told her mother that she had already cleaned her room. Her mother believed her and praised her for being so responsible.

The next day, Lily's teacher announced that the class would be having a surprise test. Lily had forgotten to study and was afraid of failing the test. She told her teacher that she had studied all night, even though she had not opened her textbook once. The teacher was impressed and praised Lily in front of the entire class.

As time passed, Lily's habit of telling little white lies became more and more frequent. She would lie about finishing her homework, cleaning her room, and even about things that didn't matter at all. Her friends and family began to notice her lies, but they didn't say anything, thinking it was just a phase.

One day, Lily's friend invited her to a party. Lily was excited and begged her parents to let her go. Her parents agreed, but they told her that she had to be home by 10 pm. Lily promised that she would be home on time, but when she got to the party, she lost track of time and ended up staying out until midnight.

When she got home, her parents were furious. They scolded her for breaking her promise and staying out so late. Lily tried to explain that she had lost track of time, but her parents didn't believe her. They thought she was lying to cover up for her mistake.

Lily felt guilty for lying to her parents and realized that her habit of telling little white lies was causing her more harm than good. She decided to come clean and tell the truth, no matter how difficult it might be.

The next day, Lily's parents received a phone call from her teacher. The teacher had caught Lily cheating on a test and wanted to speak to her parents about it. When Lily's parents confronted her about the cheating, she confessed to all of her lies and apologized for her behavior.

Although it was difficult for Lily to come clean, it was the right thing to do. Her parents were disappointed but proud of her for being honest. Lily learned a valuable lesson about the importance of telling the truth and the consequences of her actions.

From that day forward, Lily made a conscious effort to be truthful and honest in everything she did. Her relationships with her friends and family improved, and she felt better about herself knowing that she was living a life of integrity.


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1 year ago
Topics: Lies, Story, Lessons, Writing, Blog, ...


Honesty is the best policy, we can't omit truth for supportive lie. It is very good and moral-ful story indeed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Our little to little lies become harmful for us and also for others. Good lesson you spread around all of us through this story enjoy reading it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lily learned her lessons, it was a nice story to read.

$ 0.00
1 year ago