Which is best for an Ending, a Hug or a Kiss?

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2 years ago

...and they lived happily ever after.

(and they kissed)


When we heard of the word ending, mostly we picture or imagine it like the lead characters lived happily and they kissed... like stories in fairytales.

Very common ending... A kiss.

But have you ever think which is best for an ending, a kiss or a hug?

Recently I watched this korean movie entitled "If we were a Season". The lead characters are Chae Soo Bin and Jang Doon Yoon. Are you familiar with them? If not let me help you remember them.

Chae Soo Bin, the female lead, was also in the drama "I am not a Robot". And the male lead, Jang Doon Yoon, was in "The Take of Nokdu". If you're still unfamiliar with them, much as well go search their names. They are both good actors.

The story of "If we were a Season" is about a childhood bestfriends who developed feelings with each other. What happened with their blooming romantic feelings? I won't spoil you. I recommended it. Watch. Its a great movie.

Anyway, there has this scene where in the female lead visited the male lead's house. The male lead is doing some homework/assessment. The female lead decided to watch a movie. After the male lead done with what he is doing he joined her in watching. The scene shows the ending of movie they are watching where the end was the character in the movie kissed. A very typical ending in every romantic movies.

Sealed it with a kiss.

The female lead, Chae Soo bin, asked if why movies/stories always portrayed ending in a kissing scene, why not a warm hug? She also said that if she will choose what is best for ending...a hug or a kiss, she would rather choose a hug. She explained that when ending was ended with a kiss, it seems that the story really ends but when it ends with a warm hug it feels like the story or their story will continue.

That made me think. All the movies and fairytales I've watched, most of them ends with a kiss. Like in fairytales, they always said the characters lived happily ever after and they kissed. Surely, when they kissed, their story really ends. Aren't you curious about what happen to them after their wedding? Are they really lived happily ever after? Do they have children?

In reality, life does end with a kiss. It will continue.

When the ending ends with a warm hug, does it feel its the end? Or you think the story will continue?

A warm hug can make you feel its not the end and also it can make you feel that everything is going to be fine. That you are in the embrace of someone you can rely on. Someone who can protect you and someone who will stay with you 'till the end. The story continue... Through ups and downs, through happiness and sadness, through joy and sorrow. It feels like you are not alone with just a warm hug coming from someone who truly love and cherish you.

So if I where to choose between a hug or a kiss for an ending, I prefer a hug. Love can also expressrd by a hug. I also agree with the female lead, hug feels not an ending but rather the story will continue. No ending nor goodbye.








So what do you prefer for an ending, a kiss or a hug?

Thanks for reading!

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2 years ago


A hug can convey so many things, but it is an ongoing thing, so I am with you a hug can be better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmmm, if it's me I want both nalang haha. Bat pa pipili ng isa kasi πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May point ka. Bat pa pipili kung pwede namang yung dalawaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I had to choose one of the two, I would choose the hug, but both are good because they express a lot.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hug ako prefer madam.. Kakaiinggit na ang kiss..i mean kakasawa 🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakakasawa kasi na experience mo na o nakakasawa kasi lagi na lang kiss ang ending? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago