The Escape Plan

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Avatar for JulyAnn
2 years ago

Isn't the most easiest way to forget your problems is to escape? Escape from everything, even for a short while. For atleast you can freely breathe, you feel the freedom, be at peace for a while and most especially free from stress and toxicity of people round you.

Its quite long since I am struggling inside. I am bothered by these thoughts, emotions and feeling that keeps building up inside me. I am eager to escape and free myself from everything.

Its true. At the end of the day, the only person who can help you is only you, yourself.

I receieved lots of help and encouragement from my family and friends, and yet here I am still trap in the darkness of my own thoughts and emotions. I am mentally unstable, I know that and I know that only me can save myself from this darkness. My family and friends are only there to encourage and motivates me, but at the end, its still me and only me.

I let myself drown into darkness. For days I let myself be eaten by my thoughts and emotions. I have sleepless nights. I cried many times and that's enough. I don't want to trap myself longer. I need to escape. I must escape. To make it happen I need to do something.

So here's what I did and need to do:

✔️ Watch Funny Videos

For the time being, I stop myself watching dramas. There are dramas that can trigger my emotions. Instead of dramas, I engaged myself in watching funny videos in tiktok and youtube. We have this saying that "Laughter is the best Medicine" and its really work. Watching funny videos makes me forget what keeps me feeling down.

✔️ Listening to Music Before Sleeping

Music is the best therapy. Its been hard for me to fall asleep but through music, it drives me slowly into slumber. And in listening to music, it helps me focus my mind into the lyrics than overthinking things that I shouldn't have thinking.

✔️ Reading

Filling my mind or diverting my mind into other makes me feel lighter. Same in listening to music, reading before sleeping helps me to less overthink.

✔️ Communicate with family/friends

The best remedy in letting go of your troubled is to talk to your family or friends. Its good to speak your bottled emotions. I can't freely speak what I am feeling inside to my family, I only shared less and shared more to my friends. Its quite harder to find someone who can understand my trouble because some thinks I am being dramatic, but its such a blessing that their are few who are willing to listen and help. I find a few this weeks that why I am feeling better and better each day.

✔️ Engage to Recreational Activity

Instead of focusing myself to the gossip everywhere, I engage myself to reactional activity like biking. I go biking every afternoon when the sun set. Go to places where I can breathe, unwind and can't feel suffocated. Often times I went to friend's house and ask her to go biking with me. It helps me ease my mind.

✔️ Have an Adventure/Visit Nice Places

I haven't done this yet but my friends already plan a "gala" where we can unwind and forget. This "gala" will happen this Saturday. Healing together with nature is also one of the best therapy. I think I saw in tiktok or in facebook that spending time with trees can make you less feel stress, cause trees absorb the stress.

So these are what I do and need to do to escape what I am struggling about.

I am sure there are also like me who are stuggling inside. Its hard, I know. The darkness that envelopes our world slowly covering us up, but I hope you find your way to stop the darkness and slowly walk where the lights are. Lets help each other. Think that you are not the only one struggling. Think that we can escape this darkness. There are people who already escape and enjoying the life they have, and with that I know we can, we can enjoy our life again. Lets think our love ones who always there to support us and never leave us. Lets not this darkness swallow our life. Hold on. Trust and be Hopeful.

Life must go on.

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2 years ago


Kaya mo yan Julie. Don't give those people the satisfaction by letting their gossip affect you. Pabayan mo sana sinra, magsasawa din yan pag di mo pinansin.

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User's avatar sc
2 years ago

Amo. Fighting lang! 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You know, their encouragement will be for nothing if you yourself didn't work on it. It's really on you, it's up to you if you want to be out on that situation. And, Good Thing ginagawa mo nga. Tuloy mo lang, amd again don't think too much. They are not even important pero bat hinahayaan mo na makapasok sila sa sistema mo. Don't mind them and you'll be at peace. Fightuuuu 💪🤗

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2 years ago

Ang hirap kasing balewalain ng mga naririnig ko. Yung tipong nanahimik ka tapos biglang may maririnig ka na lang. But now I am doing my best to ignore them. Kaya figting lang talaga. Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Try mo maglagay ng headset sa tenga at makinig ng music nakuu

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2 years ago