The Benefits of Washing the Dishes

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3 years ago

I am busy scrolling in facebook when I suddenly stop because of this video. It happened to droped by in my wall because my followed page share it. See this link:

He is a Filipino Vlogger, maybe he just starting in vlogging. I didn't visit his profile/page yet 'cause I suddenly think of an article to write. I am afraid I will eventually forget it if I didn't start typing. Thanks to him, I came up with this article.

According to the video, washing the dishes is the most challenging household chores in the world. You'll dealing with grease, and mosquitoes and also it's sad. Because the children are the one doing the chores and yet mother's are getting the credits like in commercial. I've heard of my friends say this too, so I find the video interesting and funny so I continue watching.

Another thing that mention in the video is that washing dishes can leads to a fight. A man was stabbed using an icepick by his nephew just he didn't wash the dishes. I never imagined that washing the dishes could be this serious.

One more thing that I can totally relate is that the so-called "schedule". In my household, we have that schedule. I am assigned washing the dishes in the morning, my sister in the afternoon, and my brother in the evening. If one failed to wash the dishes in their assigned schedule you will surely heard some chants or no one will wash it until you do it. Funny isn't it? But that's how we assigned and distribute the chores to make peace.

The purpose of the video said by the speaker is the light in the darkness that we didn't see. Washing the dishes is the time for self betterment both mentality and physically. When you are washing the dishes you don't realize you are in the real world. You don't used wifi, no facebook or any forms of social media.

Benefits of Washing the Dishes (according to the video)

We develop unconsciously the following:

  • Patience - when we are about to finish washing the dishes then suddenly someone put another dishes to wash. You will feel oretty irritated for sure, but instead of scolding the you will just let a deep sigh.

  • Attention to details - is you start to wash the dishes, you will not stop until their is a rice sticking or grease/oil on it.

  • Healthy Body - atleast one have a habit/posture while washing dishes. Some are putting their other leg on the other like doing some yoga exercise. In my case I put more weigh on the right side.

  • Relieved-stress - people who was the dishes mindfully and with all their heart and focus on the details while washing increase their feeling of inspiration by 25% and lower their nervous level by 27%.

Those are some mentioned benefits of washing the dishes.

After watching the video, I also do some research.

Washing dishes is indeed a great stress reliever. It is interesting how mundane activities in life can used to promote the mindful state and increase the overall sense of well being.

Another benefit is that people who usually wash the dishes had gut flora and fewer allergies. It is based on 2015 study by 1000 Swedish children that whose parents washed dishes by hand were less likely to develop eczema, asthma and hay fever.

It also teaches us a Life skills. Being able to do tasks ourself makes one self-independent and multi-talented. Also, teaching kids the value of household chores makes them understand the value of putting efforts into visible results.

See? We think a simple task don't have any effects to us, but we're wrong. Doing simple, small or big has a great impact and benefits to us. So, next time that washing the dishes falls on your lap, do it gladly and mindfully.

If you want to watch the video, click the link above.

Credits to the owner of the video, thanks to you I learned something today.

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3 years ago
