Guideline on how to ruin your Life

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Avatar for JulyAnn
2 years ago
July 9, 2022 | Saturday


Step on broken glasses

Play with that old matches

Jump right off of a cliff

Get the long-white narrow box and sleep

Stand in the middle of the street

Bury yourself alive six feet

Smoke all the weeds you can get

Eat all the fats in the world and have debt

Drink poison like its alcohol

Cut your wrist and never call

Run to the ocean with no return

Play with the lighter like you've never been burned

But if you feel pain don't ever complain

Every struggle has its own solution as an exchange

This world is a beautiful place, let yourself wander

Don't follow the rules, don't listen to this monster.




(Disclaimer: Poem not mine.)

I am reading a book today. Book of poems and prose. This poem catches my attention. Upon reading the title I got curious and after reading the poem itself, thoughts are flooding out.

Life is full of struggle, and just thinking about how hard life is, we often think to give up. We turned to be the most pessimistic person in the world, cause everytime we suffer we always blame God and question His plans.

Our life sometimes a mess. We lost directions on where to go. We wander as we suffer. We think wrong is what is right, and right as wrong.

We wanted to end the pain. The suffering. End life itself.

As what written in the poem,

Every struggle has a solution as an exchange

It means that every problem has a solution. Do not to settle with your life, and do not focus of what you have and what you are now. What you are now doesn't mean it still you until the end. Explore and wander. Face your fears. Face the struggle. Remember that this world is a beautiful place to enjoy and to let yourself be free and to be who you are.

Don't follow the rules, don't listen to this monster.

Don't let others dictate you. Don't let them control you. Make your voice louder. Follow it.

Don't give up life just because it hard and because you suffer. Give life a chance to prove how wonderful to live.

Everything happens for a reason. The suffering, pain, and hardship are only an obstacle we need to surpassed for us to become a stronger and happier individual.

Live. Love and be Loved.




Thanks for reading!

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Avatar for JulyAnn
2 years ago


This is perfect lines every hardship and struggle has an exchange. Life is the name of ups and down giving up isn't the solution of the problems

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's absolutely true. Btw, your profile picture kinda look familiar. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Minsan kasi kapag sobra na ung problems na ung di na tayo binatawan talagang makakapag isip ka ng mga bagay bagay na di daoat isipin. You can't think straight ganon. Pero un nga wag magpadala sa mga bulong mg demunyu, kapit lang. Charee seryos yarn lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yun na nga. Kaya minsan talaga masasabi na lang natin na mahirap ang buhay. But if we look at the bright side always mag-iiba din ang pananaw natin about life. Its all about being optimistic din. Kaya dapat talaga wag mag-isip ng kung ano ano.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Didn't know that ruining life has guidelines too haha 😂 coz it seems it's easy to ruin life than to make it better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're absolutely right. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago