Yema Tart

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3 years ago

Hello dear writers and readers.

It has been awhile, 6 days to be exact, that I have published an article here at

Official work always gets in the way, especially now that year-end reports have to be submitted on time as the Bureau of Internal Revenue does not give extensions and penalties are being imposed to late filers.

Anyways, I put down the official work for the meantime as I am really feeling dizzy with crunching numbers.

Better to compose an article.

My third daughter, Trixia, who is still in her senior high school, has been having her classes thru online learning. And because of this, she doesn't have to go to school and therefore has no allowance. Her usual allowance was Php 400.00 or around $8.00 a week. This is for her transportation, lunch and snacks. She usually saves half of the weekly allowance as she bring food from home and sometimes she walks in going home from school.

She also received some money from his dad when he came home from work abroad. This was added to her savings.

Lately, she was so noisy of having her savings depleted. This is because she made a lot of orders thru Shoppee for her puppy.

I have been introducing her to but she doesn't want to write long articles. I also told her about, but still she is not into it.

Last week, she said that she wants to open a bank account so that she can't easily spend her savings.

I took pity on her so I told her that I am going to give her a small amount for a capital for a small business. She has to think on what she can do in order for the amount to increase and once she reached the amount that is good for opening an account I will bring her to the bank and assist her.

She watched cooking tutorial in YouTube. She searched for something that does not need much ingredients and is easy to do.

After hours and hours of searching, she finally found what she was looking for.


I told her to check at the pantry if the ingredients are available and try to make the tart. As the ingredients were all found in the pantry, she tried to bake the tart.

We did calculations on how much the ingredients cost and how many tarts were made out of that one mixture.

Finally, she found her niche.

I posted her finished product in Facebook and luckily, she got several orders.

Here are the ingredients and directions for the Yema Tart should you want to make them yourselves, for consumption or for business.

The Dough :

  • 3 cups flour

  • 3 tbsp sugar

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 1 pc. egg

  • 1 pack butter

Mix all the ingredients and roll until smooth.

Brush the small pans with butter so that the dough will not stick to the pan. Press a spoonful of dough on the pan, carefully tracing the form of the pan. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees celcius. Bake the dough for about 13 minutes.

The Yema Filling :

  • 3 pcs. eggs

  • 1 tbsp vanilla

  • 390 grams condensed milk

  • 1/4 cup roasted nuts - grounded

  • 2 tbsp butter

Mix all the above ingredients and pour into a heated pan. Keep on stirring until it slightly thicken. Pour into the dough a spoonful of the yema filling.

Place some grounded nuts on top. And there you have it.

It is really delicious, not so sweet and the crust is not hard.

She then wrapped each in a cellophane and its ready to go.

She received an order of 16 packs that is to be delivered tomorrow. Each pack contains 10 pieces of tarts. She started baking at around 2pm as she first finished watching her anime. Now, it's almost 11 pm and she still have to wrap all the tarts.

Lesson learned. Business first before pleasure. 😁

Thanks for dropping by friends. 🧡

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$ 0.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
