Flower Power

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4 years ago

Flowers, those blooms or blossoms that sprout from flowering plants. They give life to a dull lifeless looking desert. They make a place more lively with their vibrant colors.

Who doesn’t like flowers? Maybe only those in the other app I joined, who keeps on complaining about flower posts. (sorry about that)

I have been a plantmom since I don’t know when. I just love plants. I always get to bring home a plant or two every time I travel to different places. I tried to scout those that I don’t have in my garden yet.  

My favorite plants are those flowering plants. I just don’t stop with one variety of the flowering plant, I want to collect them all, if I could.

Like the Hibiscus, there are plenty of varieties of Hibiscus of different colors and sizes.

This red hibiscus is so large that it is bigger than my hand. I just super love the color.

The lead image is another variety of hibiscus that once graced my garden. Sad to say aphids got to strike and it totally destroyed the plant.

This yellow hibiscus is not as large as the red one but the color is just so vibrant that when it blooms you would turn twice and can't help but admire it.

This peach hibiscus is a multi-petal variety. It also has a vibrant color but it does not bloom often.

Rose also has lots of varieties. The different colors of roses have different meaning too.

RED ROSE – symbolizes true love, passion and romance.

 YELLOW ROSE - symbolizes friendship, joy and caring.

 PEACH ROSE - symbolizes sincerity and gratitude.

These are just some of my beautiful roses.

Adeniums or the dessert rose has plenty of varieties too. This one below is the most common of all the varieties. It is easy to care for too.

 The white dessert rose is so pristine and pretty.

I also have other varieties of dessert rose that really needs special attention and constant care.

This one below is Midnight Phantom.

Meet Pink Saphire.

And here is Royal Empress.

Bertha doesn't want to be left behind.

There are still more varieties of adeniums in the garden but I still yet to see them bloom.

Currently, I tried to propagate plumeria from seeds. Some of them have sprouted already. They are still a few weeks old, so maybe I still have a year to wait to see them bloom.

There are more flowers in my garden that I would love to share with you, maybe in some other articles.

But just imagine if all these flowering plants will bloom together, how heavenly it would be.

 How about you, are you a flower lover? Why not write something about them, mention me in your article, who knows I might give upvotes.

Flower power!

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Avatar for Judith1969
4 years ago


Nice photos. If all flowers bloom together the flowers die at the same time too. Imagine what your garden looks like the biggest part of the year without flowers.

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3 years ago