Another Weekend To Remember P2

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2 years ago

23th of April 2022

I started writing this article last 13th of April and it started like this:

Well, it’s been ten days before I get to write the part 2 for my weekend to remember. It has been a relaxing weekend that I would like to share with you. You will find part 1 here:

And that’s it. I wrote that during my lunch break at the office and it was busy, busy all the way. I had three attempts to finish this article and finally I got it done.

Part 2 is about the 2nd day of our weekend adventure that is on a Sunday.

The resort offers free breakfast so we take advantage of it. We had our breakfast around 7 in the morning.

And because it is a Sunday, we have to hear mass. This is a Sunday obligation which I taught my kids to take part of. We search online the nearest church and found out that San Vicente Ferrer in Bogo is having its 8th day Novena on that day. And it is only 15 minutes away from our resort. But the masses are scheduled at 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. I decided to attend the 10 am mass as it will be too late at 3 pm we will be on our way home by then. They still have enough time for another round at the swimming pool.

Then it was time for us to move. We get ready to leave the resort, making sure that we did not left behind any personal belongings in the room. We also made sure that the room is neat and tidy when we left.

We arrived at the church with a few minutes to spare. Gladly we were able to park the car right away and was able to get an empty pew to seat on.

San Vicente Ferrer

After the mass, it was now time to head on home. We have a three hour drive ahead of us.

On our drive home, we decided to make a short side trip to MV Masters Dragon Peak and hope and prayed that they offer lunch as it was almost lunchtime then.

I heard about this place from various posts in Facebook and it looks interesting to visit.

It is not much far from the highway, around 15 – 20 minute drive only. Gladly, upon inquiry at the ticket booth, they do have a restaurant who can cook our orders while we are doing sight seeing at the top of the boat.

Sign at the entrance

Β The boat is high up on the mountain. We have to take a few steps to reach it.

The path is full of flowers. You have to get through the train as it is the entrance to the steps leading to the boat.

Before climbing up those steps I ordered our lunch to have it prepared while we are up on the boat.

The food was good and had filled up our hungry stomachs.

Once the tummies were full, we now continue our drive home. This time I insists that there will be no more side trips as it was getting late. I want to be out of the mountains while there was still day enough light.

And finally, home sweet home.

Thanks for sharing the drive with me. Until the next travel.

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That’s all for now folks.

Thanks for dropping by.

To my sponsors, upvoters and commenters, a HUGE THANK YOU!

Thanks for the 🧑🧑🧑





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2 years ago
