My hobby, essential oils and...

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2 years ago

Today my mood is pretty good and that's why I want to talk to you about one of my hobbies. It is something that fascinates me to collect and as I said in the title I am talking about essential oils and carrier oils. To use them in preparations for both ailments and aesthetics. But before I show you a part of my collection.

I must introduce you to the world of these little allies for our health and beauty.

What are essential oils?

These are plant essences extracted by steam distillation. With the exception of citrus fruits, which are obtained by cold pressing the peel of the fruit. These oils contain the active principles of each plant. This means that we can resort to them for their therapeutic use.

Basically they are very potent, we will have to administer them always in small quantities. They can be combined with others and thus we will obtain more principles of the plants, making a more effective concentrate for ailments and for aesthetics.You should know that this combination of essential oils must be placed in a carrier oil. You should dilute a few drops in a carrier oil, such as almond, jojoba, avocado, olive, etc.

Precautions when using Essential Oils.

Caution should always be exercised with these little ones; we get carried away by the size of the packaging and think they are harmless. But you must understand that they are pure concentrates and therefore strong. They are only used in drops.

  • You should not place them directly on your skin, always use them with a carrier oil.

  • They should not be taken orally.

  • Do not use on young children under 3 years of age.

  • It is forbidden to expose yourself to the sun when using them.

  • And of course do not use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding and if you have epilepsy.

Below I will show you 3 of these essential oils from my collection and their respective properties.

Geranium Essential Oil.

It has astringent, anti-acne, healing and anti-cellulite properties. For Aromatherapy it is used as to relax, as it helps to avoid stress, anxieties and depression.

That is why, besides having the essence, I have the plant in my garden. That helps me in my gastrointestinal ailments, when I take it in infusion. Nerves are said to be a major factor in irritable bowel syndrome. It also has phytohormones that you can't use if you have hereditary breast cancer problems.

Sweet orange essential oil.

It has soothing and antidepressant properties. It is widely used in massage for its diuretic action, a great ally to combat cellulite, fluid retention and swollen legs.

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil.

Cellular regenerator, ideal for fluid retention and anti-cellulite treatments. It is used together with sweet orange and geranium in commercial products to firm the female bust. Many women prefer to use it in preparations they make themselves.

However, care must be taken in case of hereditary breast cancer. In this case it cannot be used, as well as geranium.

What are Carrier Oils?

Carrier oils are so called because they are used to combine the essential oils and allow our hands to glide when massaging or performing a local application; they are also used so that the essential oils do not damage or irritate the skin.

These are rather better known, as some are used in the kitchen. Of course, the ones you see in the supermarket cannot be used in beauty treatments, because they are blends of oils and are not 100% pure.

Here are the ones I regularly use.

Almond Oil.

It serves to moisturize and nourish the skin, it contains large amounts of antioxidants and vitamin E. Of course, the ideal is to buy 100% pure cold pressed if you want to use it on your skin.

Rose Hip Oil.

It's also an excellent moisturizer and helps the skin produce collagen.

This one fascinates me, it's great for helping to fade scars, like the ones I get from my cats who live scratching me 😅.

Hazelnut oil.

Its moisturizing and hydrating power is very similar to that of almond oil. That's why using them together is ideal.

My ARTICLE IS 100% ORIGINAL. English is not my native language, so it is translated with

All images are my property.

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2 years ago


Juany I like essential oils too, it explains why your skin looks so beautiful :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the compliment Ed and for the support you always give me 🥰.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, I want to tell you that I loved your article. Although I have been using essential oils for a long time, I really had no idea how they were made and their benefits. Some time ago a friend gave me some scented candles made with oils that had names of famous books, for example, The candle from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens literally smelled like Christmas, it was something like apples and cinnamon or cookies perhaps, but really a smell marvelous.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Con los aceites se puede hacer diferentes cosas, aunque para las velas a veces ocupan otros que solo son para aroma. No tienen las propiedades de los aceites esenciales.

$ 0.00
2 years ago