Your Phone Is a Tool for Reaching the Nations

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3 years ago

"Through Christ, God made harmony among us and himself, and God gave us crafted by enlightening everybody concerning the harmony we can have with him." 2 Corinthians 5:18

You can discover me on Twitter. Be that as it may, you'll never observe me posting about what flavor latte I had or what I thought of the latest scene of The Voice.

At the point when I pursued Twitter years prior, I concluded that I planned to utilize it as a device to support individuals and show them how to follow Jesus. You might be interested about what sort of espresso I drink, however what you truly need is to be urged to follow and comply with God's Word. That is a vastly improved utilization of online media.

"Through Christ, God made harmony among us and himself, and God gave us crafted by informing everybody concerning the harmony we can have with him" (2 Corinthians 5:18).

There's nothing amiss with utilizing Instagram to share photographs of your children or the astounding feast you had at your preferred café. Be that as it may, in case you're not utilizing web-based media to inform individuals regarding the harmony they can have with God, at that point you're passing up on a tremendous chance to satisfy your motivation.

God has given us the most significant work on earth: educating others concerning salvation through Jesus Christ. At the point when Jesus said to proceed to make pupils of each country, he was conversing with you! For a very long time, heading off to the entire world implied jumping on a boat or, all the more as of late, a plane to get to unimaginable lengths.

Today you don't need to leave your home to arrive at the opposite side of the globe. You can sit wearing your night robe in your room and say a decent word regarding the Lord that will go to the whole globe. That is an astounding advantage and gift no different Christians in history have ever had. Also, utilizing this device for taking the Gospel to the countries is an incredible duty.

The Bible says in 1 Chronicles 16:24, "Distribute his brilliant deeds among the countries. Educate everybody concerning the astounding things he does"

You have the open door today to tell individuals from everywhere the world the astonishing things he has accomplished for you. It's privilege readily available.

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Written by
3 years ago


The phone and technology has made the world look so small..

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3 years ago