Vege tuna Patty

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3 years ago

Good morning ka noisers..

As we all know we love to eat foods mostly from the fast foods.. We love it to the point that we always go back to buy it..

During my modular class or online class we made a research for NSTP which is to make something healthy but taste like it was bought from the fast food.. so our group decided to make burger patties..

Our burger patty consists of Vegetables, and tuna... Today I'm going to share to you our group recipe for the patties.

Vege-tuna patty..

1 can of tuna

1 and 1/2 cup of vegetables(carrots, beans, corn, etc)

1cup flour

1 pc egg

1 pinch of salt or more it depends upon you

2 pinch of ground

Try this at home and surely you'll love it.. well we called our burger as HYGIEIA it is a greek word which means healthy...

Give this a heart if you think it's worth your time๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

#lets go healthy


$ 0.00
