Appendicitis, a known disease with an Unknown function

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3 years ago

A known organ of a body with very less know attributes that may play a very important role in the functioning of a digestive system.

A few days ago, I was awake in the morning because of a sudden pain that I felt in my stomach. In normal cases, I would just move around while laying down and the pain goes away but this one felt different. I tried to ignore it for a good few hours until it became so obvious that it didn't even let me finish my breakfast.

This was the time when I knew I had to do something in order to contain my pain and go about my business. The first thing that came into my mind was a warm cup of green tea. I took my car keys, got into a car and went straight to a cafeteria near my house; ordered a cup of tea with lime and engulfed it, thinking it may soothe the pain I was feeling all this time and went back home.

Gave it a good hour to settle, didn't happen, tried stretching my muscles, meditate, did a bit of yoga: all of these would bring some relief, however, the pain would return as well with the same intensity.

Meanwhile, my nephew suggested drinking a can of Sprite with a pinch of salt (didn't work either). My last resort was the hospital. So, i drove myself to the hospital hoping that the doctor would simply call it gastritis and let me go home with a few tablets. The story was completely different when he examined me. He assumed I have appendix so referred me to an emergency ward.

I took his hypothesis so lightly that I drove myself to the emergency gate of the hospital and went straight in with the papers my doctor gave me. The reality hit me so hard when the doctor in ER poked the side of my abdomen and I screamed my lungs out. It felt like as if someone has take my soul away. I can't remember the last time I felt that much pain.

Further tests were recommended that showed influx in the readings which later were verified using the CT scan of my abdominal area.

This made me realise that us humans are very weak, a small inflation in the part of my digestive system that has no known job whatsoever can put a healthy person on a bed. I was happy and chilling all this time until the moment of my surgery which is also a very interesting story on its own. I will talk about it at another time, until then...


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Avatar for Joyouscoyote
3 years ago


How have you been so far after the surgery?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I struggled a little bit after if because they injected anesthesia in my backbone. I'm fine now. Thanks for asking

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see. That's good to know. ☺️

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3 years ago