How do we overcome our doubts and anxieties?

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1 year ago

Doubts and anxiety are natural phenomena in the human mind. It's a feeling of uncertainty and inability to get what one needs. Anxieties and doubts can lead to adverse effects if not put under control. However, controlling anxieties and doubts seem to be beyond many of us.

Is there a perfect way for us to overcome our doubts and anxieties for us to have peace of mind and be free from the adverse effects?

This teaching by the MCGI from the old path YouTube videos explained through the teaching from the Bible how we can overcome our doubts and anxieties through the help of God.

We need the peace of God, but most times we find it hard to deal with our anxieties and doubts, and this often pulls us down with its effects on our mental, physical, phycological, and spiritual lives.

However, according to the teaching, there is a way taught by the Bible that can free us from the effects of doubts and anxieties and give us victory concerning our needs.

Reading from the book of Philippians chapter 4, verses 6 and 7, brother Eli explained that it's not for us to overcome the doubts and anxieties in life, it's the working of the lord. Let's read the scripture;

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV)

As the Bible says, we are instructed to have no anxiety about anything. This means we need not be worried about anything or problems that we may find ourselves in life. Instead, we are admonished that in times of anxiety, in a time of doubt, or in a time of problems, by prayers and supplications with Thanksgiving, we should make our request known to God. And it doesn't end there. We don't just make our request known to God and don't get any response. But the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Nobody can understand how God does it. The working of the spirit of peace that passes all understanding which comes from God does all the job of keeping our hearts and minds in Christ. When our minds and hearts are in Christ, we obtain freedom from the adverse effects of doubts and anxieties.

To be free from doubts and worries we need the peace of God, and that peace comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. It's available for all Christians. What we need is to pray and make our supplications to be known to God. It means we should tell God what our fears and doubts are. The God who has no anxiety about anything will give us his peace that no man understands to keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

How do we attain the peace of God that passes understanding?

The answer to the question according to the teaching can be found in the book of Romans chapter 5 verse 1. Let's read.

Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

To attain the peace of God we need to keep calm when passing through times of doubt and anxiety. The mind is the place where doubts and anxieties grow. If we lose our minds we cannot obtain the peace of God that will help us overcome. 

But, keeping calm in the face of doubts and anxieties is not an easy thing to do. That's why we need to have true faith in God. Faith is the preservation factor of our minds. Being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

It's the true faith as taught in the Bible that can give us peace with God, and that peace is capable of keeping our hearts and minds from the effects of doubts and anxieties.

Once again, I feel blessed by this Bible lesson, and I have learned a great deal about how to deal with my doubts and anxieties. Through prayers and supplications with Thanksgiving, I can make my request known to God. And having the assurance that God would grant me peace that passes understanding to keep my heart and mind in Christ, I need to stand on the faith of Christ that gives me peace with God.

The Youtube video link is below.

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