Symptoms of diabetes

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3 years ago

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world. The disease is spreading rapidly among people every year. There are three common types of diabetes. Excessive blood glucose levels can lead to diabetes. When the production of insulin hormone is reduced in the blood, diabetes is rampant in the body. Type-1 diabetes can occur at a very young age. It depends on the body's immune system. On the other hand, type-2 diabetes usually occurs after the age of forty.

According to a study, about 400 million people in the world are affected by diabetes. And 90 percent of them are infected with type 2. Almost all of us are aware of what kind of problems occur in the body as a result of rising blood sugar levels. The most unfortunate thing about diabetes is that it can be controlled by following the rules of medicine, exercise and diet, but there is no way to cure it completely. Diabetes is a disease that progresses over time. Let's find out exactly what are the symptoms of high blood sugar.

1) According to the doctors, when the level of sugar in the body increases, it puts pressure on the kidneys to get the sugar out of the body. That is why he urinates frequently.

2) Slightly shortness of breath is a sign of increased sugar levels in the body. When the level of sugar increases, the body becomes dehydrated. And as a result of dehydration the body becomes weak.

3) Losing too much weight without dieting or exercising is another important sign of increased sugar levels in the body.

4) Drinking water is very necessary for the body. But if you see that your thirst for this water has increased much more than normal, then you have to understand that the level of insulin in the body has started to decrease.

5) A common symptom of diabetes is increased hunger. The appetite of any diabetic patient is higher than normal. If you see these kinds of symptoms, you must be tested for diabetes.

7) Injuries, cuts or wounds can occur in the human body, but the platelet blood cells and antioxidants in the body easily help to dry and heal them on their own. If you have diabetes, these wounds do not want to dry easily.

6) When the level of insulin in the body begins to decrease, the eyesight gradually becomes blurred. As a result, the power of the eyes may increase. Diabetes tests must be done at this time.

6) Those who have type-1 diabetes, there is a tendency to change the mood, boredom or anger. People with type 2 diabetes tend to suffer from chronic depression, trembling of hands and feet, and a tendency to work slower.

9) In diabetes, the inner part of the mouth becomes dry again and again. If you have a dry face as a result of diabetes, it creates more problems. Dental and gum problems are caused by dry face.

10) This disease reduces the body's resistance to disease. As a result, any disease can be easily transmitted to the body.

11) The skin color of the throat, groin, armpits, etc. becomes darker. Diabetes causes itchy skin.

12) Diabetic patient's sexual disability is created. In three-quarters of cases, diabetic men are unable to have children.

Recognizing these symptoms can be a precautionary measure against diabetes. Diabetes is a fairly complex disease that needs to be treated very seriously. You cannot cure diabetes alone. Although there are many benefits to changing your daily routine and maintaining a proper diet, there are certain medications that you must take to treat diabetes. Your doctor will tell you the names of the drugs depending on the type of diabetes. However, the advice of doctors, the happier the smile, the more tension-free you will be, the more you will stay away from diabetes.

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