The Reasons Why I Enjoy These Foods

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Avatar for Jovelyn
2 years ago

For some time now, life has been wearing me down. When I'm feeling down and exhausted, I morph into a snack. So that's why I've put on so much weight. What I can say is that I have no say in the matter. When you're feeling down, is there a particular dish you crave? The pleasant feelings you get from eating these things are a byproduct of the good memories they bring back. Well, I do have those foods. Do you really care to know that I know I can always count on th to make me happy right away?

Puto Bumbong

It's a purple rice cake steamed in miniature bamboo tubes, but I can't think of an English name for it. When I'm feeling down, this is the thought that comforts me the most. This is a staple of the Filipino Christmas celebrations, so I always make sure to have some on hand. The Christmas season in Australia begins in September, making it the longest in the world.

Insights like these take me back to my youth. No major issues plagued me when I was younger. When I was younger, one of the things that caused tension between my parents and me was when I asked permission to go outside in the afternoon. The situation is difficult right now. It all seems to be going to plan as I sit here and eat Puto Bumbong and think about the good old days. Not only that, but it always makes me think of the holiday season and the spirit of giving. This implies providing presents, which is something I crave constantly.


As the name implies, sinigang is a sour soup. That's just how my life is. My mom makes Sinigang for me whenever I'm sick and can't taste anything else. Pork or fish may be used as an ingredient. Sinigang with pork is my favorite. It's comforting to eat here since it makes me think of being fed carefully. In particular, when I am sick, my mother's cooking is a tangible manifestation of her care for me.

Ice Cream

I'm not going to pretend that ice cream doesn't have a special power to lift my spirits when I'm feeling low. When I need a break from work stress, I go out and treat myself to an ice cream cone. My mind is prevented from wandering as I focus on getting this done. Pain can be momentarily alleviated by eating ice cream, especially if it's sweet. Because of this, my mind is stimulated thereafter as well.

As a kid, I remember my dad always picking me up from school with an ice cream in his hand. Every time we go on a stroll together, he stops by an ice cream stand and buys me a treat before we head home. There's ice cream in my left hand and he's holding my right with his left. When we stroll together, he always makes me laugh so hard that my ice cream melts. Before we get back home, I will have completed it. He passed away a long time ago, my dad. He has since left us for good. Whenever I eat ice cream, I think about him. When I eat ice cream, I can almost taste him next to me.

Ubod Lumpiang

All of the ingredients in these spring rolls are vegetables. With an excellent spicy sauce loaded with garlic, it becomes even better. When I was a kid, my parents would always win a lottery right after we had one of these at home. The cost is not prohibitive, and it will ensure our survival for at least a week. What it is about Lumoian ubod that makes us so fortunate, I cannot say. I always get this when I go out to eat, but only if I've already placed a bet on the lottery.


Caramel is the predominant flavor of the shown cake. This is the flavor we always have for birthdays, and it's available at Goldilocks. However, Goldilocks' Tres Leches is my fave. Birthdays aren't birthdays without cake. Put the birthday candle there, blow out the candles, and everyone will start singing happy birthday and wishing you the best of luck. The wish you make just before you blow it will come true. You can create a wish whenever you want.

That's what I've been looking for, and it makes me pleased to accomplish it. When I make a wish, I know I can always count on my loved ones to be there to help me make it come true. Wishful thinking isn't mine because I've given up on ever having it come true. This is my hope for myself, my family, and everyone else in the globe. And for that, I am eternally appreciative. I appreciate the support of my patrons.

Which foods do you enjoy eating the most? I know it is your go-to dish not just because of how delicious it is, but also because of the good times you've had while eating it.

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2 years ago
