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As a dog owner, taking care of my pet is hard. But the joy they bring is immeasurable.

In dog care, what things should be considered?

Extremely time consuming, and dog care supplies. In addition to daily meals, sightseeing, and care, it is also necessary to spend money on food, dog shelter, care equipment, registration, vaccinations, etc.

To avoid neglecting dog care, dog care even without personal financial expectations, caring just for the sake of the dog, please think carefully before taking care of the dog.

Are there dog care regulations?

It is necessary to register the dog once in its lifetime and to be vaccinated against rabies once in 1 year. In order not to cause harm to other people, make sure the chain is attached etc. properly and take care of it indoors.

To keep the dog from disturbing other people while walking, make sure the dog is tied up while exercising.

And when the dog defecates while walking, it is the duty of the dog owner to clean it.

When can dog rabies registration and vaccination be carried out?

It is necessary to register the dog once in its lifetime. Please register it with the municipality of the municipality in which you live until 91 days after birth (or within 30 days of receipt). After registration, the municipality will provide the label, please attach it to the dog collar.

The rabies vaccine needs to be given once a year. It is implemented from April to June, please inquire at the municipality of the residential municipality. Once the vaccination has been completed, you will be given a label proving that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies, then attach it to the dog collar.

In case the dog is not vaccinated in April to June, the dog will be vaccinated at the Dogs Hospital and please inform the municipality of the place of residence.


Benefits of dog care

According to Tove Fall, the author of this study

is because the dog removes loneliness and social

isolation. Exercise caused by

dog care.

Appears in American Health research

Association that dog care serves

exercise. In reality, dog walkers

gets 30 minutes of exercise compared to

non-dog walkers. Consequently, their

cholesterol and blood pressure drop.

There is also a previous study that provided

benefits of petting. According to it, effective

lowering the pet's blood pressure lowers blood pressure.

There are even times when it becomes more effective

compared to taking medication.

Dog care is also associated with more

good mental health. According to another study,

those who take care of the dog are less

risk of anxiety and depression. The diseases that

this can be avoided especially if passed on

heart attack or stroke. Because of this knowledge,

some hospitals already use theraPy

dogs. There are some cardiologists as well

suggests patients take care ofB


According to studies, aa

Zealand and Australia.

Cardiovascular disease and care

of the dog

According to Dr. Caroline Kramer, presiding over one of the

study, mortality decreases by 24% among

there is a dog. This is more than people who have experienced

heart attack or stroke. Those who get sick of it are

the probability of death decreases by 31%

from cardiovascular disease.

Another study examined the already 336,000

people from Sweden have discovered that the better

person with a dog after experiencing a heart attack or


According to Dr. Martha Gulati, the editor-in-chief

of, dog helps a lot with

homeless people. The survivors of

Heart attack or stroke with a dog is longer

yet life compared to the unaccompanied. Sa

heart attack, the risk of

death while 27% had a stroke.

Benefits of dog care

According to Tove Fall, the author of this study

is because the dog removes loneliness and social

isolation. Exercise caused by

dog care.

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$ 0.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
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nice article, i like it.keep it up dear friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I wonder where you live and where your personal part about being a dog owner is.

The vaccination against Rabies is every two years just like many other vacvinations (know what you talk about and ask the pharmaceutical company if you are not sure). Dogs can get seriously ill of vaccinations. A pup will have antibodies from it's mother.

Many keep their dog to guard. These dogs live outdoors.

$ 0.00
4 years ago