Today I was at a conference that dealt with why we get sick, in a short writing I could not elaborate on everything that was said there, however the speaker referred that a large part of the diseases that human beings suffer are the product of their thoughts, A great philosopher already said, you are what your thoughts are. I found interesting a story that he mentioned, in which an Indian talked with his grandson and told him that he felt internally the struggle of two wolves, one fierce, full of hatred and resentment, while the other showed a lot of love, peace and optimism, the child asks him, grandfather, which of the two do you think will win, to which he responds, the one I feed will win. By virtue of this, if we fill our hearts and minds with thoughts of love, gratitude, optimism and above all focused on a great faith in our creator father, I am sure that success in all the senses of our life will surround us permanently.