Secrets Untold Part 2

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3 years ago

Before my husband, in my teen years I have a crush to someone to be my neighbor.

We only saw each other by glancing to each other's eyes. Just that without words coming from our mouth.

But my husband knows about that, I don't know if that is love already, for I put a scar on my hand it's bleeding a bit.

I put the initials of my crush. Maybe at that time infatuation is my feeling for my crush.

But everytime we see each other's in a mall or outside we looked in the eyes a bit longer.. As if we know each others well then my husband is at my side and we go separate ways with my husband.

I only knew the name of my crush through friends but we never introduced formally. I don't know if he also knows my name for he is studying at a different private school of chinese.

It wonders me why everytime we saw each other we eye contact a bit long as if we've known each other for long.

This only pandemic that I was only allowed to go inside the grocery store but my husband is not allowed to go inside for one member per family is allowed in going outside.

I'm already inside the grocery store then I saw him we eye contacted again. I wonder because I'm wearing my mask he is wearing a mask but I know and he knows me. Until again my husband came and we on separate ways.

That thing I didn't mention to my husband for maybe he will just laugh on me that I'm assuming.

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