Farmers Work for Us

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2 years ago

Farmers are engaged both agriculture and livestock. The food we buy either raw or processed to eat usually is came from the endeavor of the farmers.

"Magtanim ay di biro" A Filipino song that translate emotions of every Filipino farmers especially their tedious works. You can search the lyrics on YouTube, it's good to hear especially when you understand the meaning of the song. Not all of us entered the life of being a farmers it's because we are not going to be one of them. I'm not degrading the farmers but this is the reality we don't want to experience what they have it's because it is not easy. It is not easy when you are under the sun all over the day or you're saturated from sunlight. In my experience being a farmer for a months, I mingled with them such theres no way to find income that time. I was convince to joined them. The month of May to June are the months for preparation of rice husk and when it is ready for planting it will be scheduled to the month of July and August. And September to December is for harvesting. This is the cycle that is observable when planting rice husk and harvesting. It wasn't easy because all over the day you are saturated with the heat of the sun like you are being punish all day. I was nearly out of my consciousness during that time, my sight seems to be darkened and I hear nothing but a sounds that you'll be out of conscious. I think its because I didn't drink water such as when I saw there supply I was quite not convinced because it looks muddy and I sacrifice for that day only and I'll bring bottle of water for tomorrow 😅. I have so much realizations, the agony I have experience and I survive that work for months only and I didn't try it again. I have decided to study at SLSU way back 2016 that was my first year of college.

Farmers are indeed the most important being that bestows immesurable services. Humans can hardly survive if farmers doesn't exist. Vegetables, fruits, rice and others are just a product of their endeavor, we are using this for our survival condition. The supply of our goods is isn't enough to sustain the whole country, prices are remains fluctuate during this time of pandemic. The government and other politicians address this issues about a year ago. Farmers are calling for the support of their equipments and maintenance of it. Other politicians are competing to give good governance of this issue and that they have received the right things that they need.

3 Things you should know about farmers

Farmers are women too

Many feminine engaged with farming, some of them are wife to their husband. In past few years female usually assigned in abode were it's sole responsibility is take care of their offsprings and do the house works. We can't denied that women right now are doing what the male doing before it sounds good right. It really fabulous that women right now are giving contribution to agriculture and livestock. They are competitive right now.

Farmers are High Tech oriented

In some other countries they have many equipments for both agriculture and in livestock. A lot of convenient tools used by farmers right nowadays. It is good to hear that our farmers are making adjustments and embracing the new technology for agriculture and farming.

Farmers gives the most vital things to humanity

Picture out without farmers I don't think so who will volunteer to substitute the role of afarmer. We do have our full respect to all farmers because they've done something good for humanity and it's survival. The government must prioritize the farmers and address immediately issues so that inflation rate will be diminish. Farmers do little wages in the past decades, some of them expressed their grievances when an interview conducted by the media. A good example to this was Hacienda Luicita massacre were famers are killed. Farmers are just defending their rights, and the government before was refused and relentless to surrender the land to the farmers, many are killed during that time , farmers before are so pathetic. When Duterte administration came all of the Hacienda Luicita wealth, the land was distribute to the farmers we can saw to their eyes how happy they because they've deserve that price to there endeavor and defending their dignity.

As one of the law abiding citizen I give all due the respect to all farmers to every corner of the earth. They just give the sustainable goods to humanities. Farmers are very important when it come to survival condition. According to sociologist, humanity can only be survive with the existence of the farmers.


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2 years ago


My grandfather is a farmer as well as some of my relatives. They wake up very earlier in the morning just to plant and not to be scorched by the sun. I salute every farmer in the world! Thank you for providing us with food!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jijisaur I really appreciate your father and relatives for being hardworking, they are so important for us who is dependent of there export and import agricultural products. With them we can't get those food to eat everyday

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang naranasan ko ay mag tanim ng mais at noong elementary pa ako yan lang kasi ikinabubuhay namin noon kaya salute sa lahat ng farmers kung wala sila wala tayong kakainin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama ka Cleophia2 maraming salamt sa kanila dahil sila Ang nagbibigay Ng pagkain sa maraming tao. Maging anu paman karapat dapat silang bigyan Ng magandang sweldo at puhonan Ng goberyno at ibang privadong sekta

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're indeed right, farmers suffers a lot just to give us what we need in our daily lives. They should be respected and not belittled. I know the song magtanim ay di biro hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for that, we know how hardworking our farmers and we are grateful for that. Hoping the those famers can receive help from the fortunate people or government.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Farmers are basically one of the most underrated workers of all time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, they are ... Because they give us food that makes us sustainable life. They are hardworking despite of the heat of the sun. We appreciate their effort and bestow to them unending gratitude.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Massive respect to them. They upheld our pride. Works hard and feeds the entire country.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Farmers are truly heroes. They are the one who work hard so that's there will be food supply. The sweats, rain or shine they are always there. Farmers are such a priceless. I salute to all the farmers out there!❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly ma'am we've been fortunate because of there existence. We are so grateful to them, they gave us food to eat and allow us to survive and lastly I thanks above for providing those things that man should need...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being a farmer is not easy, and that is proven and tested by me also. It is not easy to be burned by sunlight in the middle of the day. It is a very risky as well, but despite of that, we farmer still managed to enjoyed it despite of a challenging job as a farmer.

As a farmer lot of realizations came to my mind, as you've shared a Filipino song magtanim ay di biro, yess di talaga biro kasi nga napakasakit sa balikawang at likud kaya magtanim tapos napakasakit pa yung sikat ng araw. Peru we cant change what are life is, tanggapin natin kasi we destined to be a farmer and di pa namn huli ang lahat puydi pa nating mabago if we pursue to change it for the better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such an incredible statement of yours ..melchor, I made this content because I want also to share my experience during the time when I am high school. Yes I mingled with the farmers for a month, That couldn't be easy to think. That's the reason why I get to school in college at least I have a bit of improvement in life...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Peru pag skoila nimo cge rakag imo ka danny hahaha, majo gani kay product kang sir consul bagtik gihapon hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha ...kit an gani Kang consul Dre do ..taka product Ikaw noon product ni galdo, na bagtika kaau og mga utok..

$ 0.00
2 years ago