Work from afar

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2 years ago

Income from the outside

We find ourselves in a point of humanity where work has shifted one of Its main requeriments, being present. A lot of businesses had found much more profitable to employ people without ever having seen them, just putting a series of objectives and tasks for the employee and then letting him/her resolve then. This modality of work is here to stay, as It has been demonstrated with the eruption of the pandemic, making much more people adopt this mode of work. In this article I will presented you with a series of benefits that remote work has brought to us. Let's begin:

1.- Allowing to find a niche

Some people might have solved a problem that before they might have thought has occurred only to them, however, mostly than not they will find that there are a lot more people that have the same needs and are in a desperate search to find a solution to them. That's where individuals with the right alternative had found a niche, making much more easier to then to make an Income, either by providing the solution or teaching how to apply It.

2.- Cheaper for Businesses: More Benefits for The Employee

Before, business had to spend a lot of money in infrastructure, as they had to make sure that work conditions were in an immaculate state so that their employees could make their office properly. At the end of the day, this spending affected the margin of benefits they obtained from their products, having as a result that they weren't able to provide their workers with as much benefits as today. Now companies don't need expensive offices, as they have the alternative of just employing professionals and letting them do their work from their home, basing their success in the results obtained, not in the hours spent.

3.- Strong Currencies

This benefit applies mostly to people living in developing countries. We know that usually these nations don't have a strong currency in comparison to developed countries like The USA or countries that apply themselves to the EURO standard. Usually, this results in goods and products being cheaper than in foreign countries and in the first world currency being much more strong. If a person from East Asia or South America (most of It) lands a job in a European or North American Country, they will be paid in these currencies and will have at their disposal a higher amount of money than If they just worked in their native land in a 9 to 5 job, making It much more benefitial for the people that perform the job and the one that solicits It.

I hope that with the information provided in this article I could have given you some things to be grateful about the appearance of remote work, giving you hopes in the future as to what the laboral market has to bring in the future. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago
