What might be stopping you from succeeding

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1 year ago

The real enemy lies within the mind

We know about most of the things we have to do to get success in a particular field: focus, acquire knowledge, work hard, take the hard decisions and learn from your mistakes. There can be additional items added to this list though the fundamentals to getting anywhere in a discipline can be found in those actions. If that's so obvious, then why doesn't everyone has reached their goals. Well, this has to do more with the things we tell ourselves constantly, which might be acting as a negative influence in our relationship to success. That's why in this article I will talk about some of the things that might be stopping from having your dreams come true and why they happen, all so you can recognize them better and plan for better solutions along the road. Let's begin:

Fear of Not Being Good:

A pretty common idea is to tell ourselves why we should bother practicing a certain skill if we're not going to be any good at It, taking from our advancement and putting a false Idea in our minds that will scare us from even trying. That's why in the initial stages of creating things you shouldn't worry of If they come as good or bad, though on getting It done.

More to Gain = More to Lose

There might be a thought deeply ingrained in your brain, either by negative experiences while trying or childhood trauma, that states that as you begin to gain more, you'll have much more to lose, so you decide to extinguish the opportunity or getting the reward all so you can be more tranquile with the fact you have nothing lose. This might take self observation, practice and even therapy to get rid of, though at the end of the day, you'll be much more comfortable with the Idea of success.

False Identity about you

Another recurring thought between people with a low sense of confidence and an aversion to success is that they identify them as someone who doesn't deserve success, so they private themselves at the first instance from the feeling of It, engaging in self destructing behavior instead of doing the things that are the better for them. The first thing you should do to eliminate this false identity is to create a new one, where you make yourself accountable for living up to that new name.

As always, I hope that this short article could have been of help to people who might still be wondering why they haven't reached success yet and feel themselves fearful of the opportunities that come in their way, letting them know that they're not alone in their journey and that at the end of the day they will be able to tribe If they first control their minds. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
