What a wonderful world

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1 year ago

Time to look at what is good

All over the news, Social Media and our day to day we are constantly exposed whether we want It or not to negativity, either in the form of hurtful comments, tragedies or the crucifixion of another public figure (Whether they deserve It or not). These things, as entertaining as they can be, are utterly toxic for humanity and can make you miserable in an unvoluntary manner, making you have a nihilistic outlook on the world. That's why sometimes you need to take a break from all the bad things happening that aren't in your control and focus instead on the beautiful things that this life has to offer, thing which will be the topic of this article, explaining you why exposing yourself to positive things can work wonders for your mental health and all the things you can feel grateful for to make you happier. Let's begin:

Image taken from Pixabay.com. Author: Julius_Silver

Beauty is to be found in everything

From the way water falls in leaves to the fact that you have a roof to cover you from the rain when many might not have that privilege, admiration and gratefulness are two powerful tools you can apply to increase your quality of life from the inside. One way to apply this is to look at any object and doing It without judgement, focusing on the sublime of Its shape, color and function, marveling at how much work It might have took to create just that piece.

As they say, every person's a different world, and that's how you can also apply this to your daily interactions, where instead of being focused on your own thoughts or what you think they think about you, just look them at the eyes and appreciate their company, as there are many people who can't even talk or don't have anyone to share with.

Another powerful reminder of the beauty of every second in our existence is the finality of It, where every breath we take puts us one step closer to death. Having this in mind, you should ask yourself whenever you're spending time with your loved ones If It might be the last time you see them again. In this way you might be able to see that many of the things you thought so important (Like Immediate gratification, keeping secrets or letting your pride get in the way) are not so much when compared with the company of those who love you.

Image taken from Pixabay.com. Author: 12019

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, reminding you of some of the things we might take for granted and how looking at the good in the world can put in perspective all the events in your life and make you recognize that It might not be so bad after all. However, I'm not encouraging you to be naive and turn your eyes from things that need to be fixed but to become a better person by recognizing that humanity is not entirely bad or good, though a mix of them. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
