Too much comfort is a curse

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1 year ago

Maybe It's time to say no to Mom

As a species, It is natural for us to seek comfort, as It is a metric to tell us that we're relatively safe and that we don't have to worry for threats that cat put in jeopardy our physical integrity and even our lives like in our primal past. However, we're not in the age of stone anymore, and we don't have to worry about a great majority of the things that affected our ancestors. Regardless of this, now we find ourselves with a greater predicament, that of not doing enough in our span of existence. If you look at the problem of being a "momma's boy" It is deeply related to the extreme sense of comfort, where an overprotective mother tends to isolate her son from all the sources of discomfort in his life, even those that will make him grow in the best way possible. Don't think that your mom wants to keep you weak in purpose, as she wants the best for you, though don't let that encapsulated existence you have been living previously stop you from becoming better from now on, taking into account that the only way to make progress is through discomfort. That's why in this article I will talk about some of the reasons for why having a life that's too comfortable might be making you depressed and what you can do about It, separating this article in two parts. Let's begin:

Fear of rejection

One of the main things for why we might want to seek comfort is because of the fear of how others will react If we decide to do the things that are the opposite that they expect from us, so we just embrace the certainty of what's known and we do nothing to change that. However, caring too much about other's opinions might be the reason as to why your life is miserable right now, so better be sure to try the things you want to do, in spite of what others think.

Too used to an easy life:

Once habits are instilled, they're pretty hard to get rid of, as we virtually don't know anything else than that in our daily lives. Well, this is true both for good and bad habits, and certainly doing those low level activities that just keep you more and more comfortable will take a lot of effort to replace for something meaningful. However, If you keep chasing the pain, you'll find that It's a much better sensation.

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, making you see some reasons as to why you might be stuck in a cycle of comfort for your own choice or for your environment. In the next iteration of this series I will talk about some things you can do to keep your independence and make your existence 100 times better through discomfort. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
