Tips for better sleep

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1 year ago

Resilience to Fading Out

According to studies, 51% of the adult population worldwide is getting less sleep than they need in an average night, all replaced with tons of caffeine and bad moods. However, taking this necessity as something optional is having a detrimental in our lives, making It much more difficult for us to focus, having stable emotions and even compromising our inmunologic system, which increases the chances of suffering from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, depression and many other physiological ailments. If you want to change this, you've already made the first step in the form of commitment. However, It will not be an easy process as you'll find much more obstacles than you think. That's why in this article I will present you with a series of strategies and changes of habits in order to get more hours of sleep and be more productive throughout the day without the need of injections of energy. Let's begin:

Cut the caffeine before bed

The most used resource against sleep, caffeine makes Its entrance in the form of many products, whether caffeinated teas, pre-workouts or most commonly coffee, which has been present in every household since more than a century. However, the energy-inducing effect that this substance has on us is very long-lasting, taking an approximate of 5 hours to get rid of half of the caffeine in your system naturally, resulting in a total of 10 hours till you drain It completely. That's why you need to cut your caffeine usage at mid-day or any period of 10-12 hours before sleeping, all so you can go to bed without external stimulis still messing with your brain.

Plan for Sleep Interruptions

Let's say you want to sleep 8 hours, so you go to bed precisely 8 hours before waking up. Even If you would want to sleep straight through that period, you will find most of the time that you'll have all sorts of interruptions and a period you spend before falling unconscious. That's why you should plan for all these kinds of diversions from you sleep, whether in the form of controlling what you drink in the previous hour before going to bed, having good curtains or using sleepmasks, all in order to sleep uninterruptedly and gain the most out of your rest.

Don't look at Screens 1 hour before bed

I know that you've stumbled upon this advice before, and you most probably are not following It now. It's hard even for myself, though at the end of the day we have to find alternatives that can make It easier for us to not look at our phones before going to sleep, all due to the nocive effects that the brightness of their screens have in our cyrcadian rhythms. The best thing to do in order to reach this objective is to replace one habit with another, whether in the form of reading a physical book, stretching or even writing and all those activities that can prove to be enough entertainment for us, all so we can forget our phone during that time frame.

I hope that with the information presented in this article you could gather some valuable strategies to apply to your life, all so you can get better nights of sleep with not only less interruptions, though a notable improvement in the quality of your recuperation in the next morning. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
