There is more than one way to do It

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1 year ago

Look for the back door

For most things in life, we have been told that to reach a particular objective we can only do It through a narrow set of alternatives or just a single one, being either going through college and landing a job in a good company, starting a business, working at the family store or jumping straight up in the workforce. All these previous options might sound like the most logical option just because most of the people we know have only tried these methods to get to the point we might want to get to. However, as It has been depicted by a series of cases in history where individuals with a lot more tribulations and limitations than in the current day managed to reach the top, all through hard work, vision, and the most beautiful feature of humanity, creativity. Under such strict and harsh environments they figured out new methods as to how to do things, in opposition to the conventional, creating in the process revolutions and much more effective processes that paved the way for the current scene. That's why in this article I will talk about the benefits of seeking "back doors" when facing any problem or opportunity, all so you can implement this principle in your life and get better results. Let's begin:

Gives you more flexibility

By having more than one option when approaching a particular situation, you'll be able to have a clearer mind, taking from you the worries associated to the common "What If?" of things not going like you planned at first. By having a plan B you'll be prepared for whatever happens and in this way you'll secure your success through flexibility.

Victory through the unpredictable

In the case you or your crew have to face an adversarial force, you'll have one more card in your favour, as you'll have the advantage through the use of an unconventional strategy, for which the "enemy" won't be able to plan against, as they won't consider or even know how to counterattack due to the novelty of It.

Leaves the Ego Behind

Sometimes, when you're facing with things that put in display your weaknesses, you're humbled and become more wiser about your limitations. Well, by recognizing there are alternative routes, you leave the ego behind through the understanding of areas where you could do better and in result you focus your energies to a method which will suit you and create a much more solid response.

I hope that this little article could have been of use to you, giving you some reasons as to why keeping yourself flexible when thinking about the solution to something can be of great help when dealing with new problems. I encourage you to always try new ways to do things and not be thrown off by initial failure, as It will only be a stepping stone for your future success. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
