The unavoidability of Death

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2 years ago

The thing that makes us all equal

Life throws us heavy things from time to time, being an accident, a betrayal, or even worse, the death of a loved one. Once the damage is done, we get into a state of shock and at the same time awareness, which makes us see the world in a different light, the sun being brighter, the wind colder and everything as It really is, feeling overall that a part of us had died with what has happened. We can choose to blame It all for our misery and envy those who don't have to see the reality of death and misery right in the eye yet, deluding ourselves in all kinds of coping mechanisms to forget the though of what happened and having an existence defined by the bitterness of tragedy, though we can see It all in a different light. In the next paragraphs we'll talk about Death, how accepting It and looking It riht at the eye can bring us piece and meaning and a philosophy of life that can be adapted in order to withstand the harshness of destiny. Let's begin by showcasing how most people choose the easy route through life, avoiding our own mortality.

Fear of Death:

In the past, people had to confront death since an early age, as life expectancies were short and the state of medicine pratices weren't that advanced, always suffering the loss of mothers, fathers, children and friends due to diseases or accidents, all this resulting in the resilience proper of the times and the acceptance of life as It is along with the enjoyment of the moment and the people. However, in the present, we find ourselves with less worry than ever about a fact such as our impending demise, as we can see that the average ages of death worlwide are at an historical high, with treatments for almost any illness and injury, making dying seem like a matter alien to us humans. Even If death presents Itself, It is hidden in a certain way, only taking part most of the time in hospitals, far from the functioning world we all interact with. Even the species we feed ourselves with are sacrificed in spaces that are concealed from the general public. The product of all this is a disconnection with our own mortality, where we choose to postpone considering the fact that death might be right on the corner and opt for fantasies, delusions and plans for the future regading things we don't really care about instead of the things that we really value. That's why many people get shocked by the occurence of the unexpected, reacting in a confused way and getting hit really bad by the manifestation of reality as It is.

Accepting Death

There are two ways in which you can see this phenomena, either as the end of life, where all movement and vitality of your body and mind gets stripped away to put and end to your existence, or just as part of It, a transition from one state to another, such as sleep and another states of conscience. How choosing the first route affects you? Well, you might notice It by the way you feel afraid towards change and the possibility of something going in an unexpected way, never leaving your comfort zone in order to reduce the more you can the anxiety upon the unpredictability of death. By seeing the world through the lens of death as a part of life, you are able to accept that death is something natural to all of us, and It might happen sooner than you expect and to the person you less expect. This will make you less afraid of change and letting "die" that past version you, more tolerant towards the chaos of existence and even being able to improve your relationships and performance as you adapt the thought that the day may come at any minute.

Philosophy of life Based in Death

More than a philosophy, this is a little series of strategies you can implement in order to get you more focused and commited to your craft, All based in questions and imagination in order to lose that primal aversion to death. Here are some:

What If this is my last day?

It might sound kinda corny and overused, though this a great question to ask yourself in order to guide you through the things you want to accomplish and to really get done. Reminding yourself of the fact that death might come now will make you work harder towards your goals and keep you focused in the process, at the same time making you value more the people you might take for granted, as they can leave at any time without saying goodbye.

Imagining your own death

Now, this might appear creepy, though It really isn't. Visualizing how the day you die can happen, how the sensation of life leaving you will feel and the aftermath of that can be releasing. It will demistify dying as something that is really horrible and unnatural, when It is completely the opposite. Yes, your death can be slow or fast, either by Illness or by the hand of another person, people that care about you might cry and mourn you for several months, though at the end of the day, the world will keep spinning, birds will sing the same and the sun will still be out the next morning. Your loved ones will find the strength to get past It and keep on with their lives. Knowing this will make you stronger and will remind you to not take for granted the little moments you spend and who you spend them with. Also, It will make you less afraid of the uncertainties that life might present you, making you ultimately accept that your end can come, so making the right decisions about what you really want to do should be your real priority.

We hope that the information presented can be of use to you, presenting you with a way to see what awaits us at the end and how to really see It as It is. We wish you the best of luck through life!

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2 years ago


Death is inevitable. We are pilgrims in this life and one day we shall return to our creator. I pray God grant each and everyone of us long life in health, wealth and peace

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen, hopefully with frequent pilgrimages you can realize that all humans who were created from soil will return to soil.

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2 years ago

All humans living in the world will not know when he will die, and they think if his body is healthy then he will be able to live to old age, even though they think that is not true, because life and death is destiny, no matter how healthy a person is if he experiences big accident. , then the possibility of death is also great, so don't underestimate death, make the best use of time, give our benefits to our loved ones, so that they are happy to deliver our bodies when we die later.

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2 years ago