The reason for why your life might be so boring.

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1 year ago

Stop thinking about vacations and think about the day to day

A lot of us find ourselves stuck in the same loop that we've been in for the last years, that of waking up, getting ready for work and commuting to a slow death for about 8 to 12 hours, then taking the same road backwards to our home to finally indulge in the last hours of pleasure we can enjoy before going back to the same hell, repeating this process day after day, week after week and If we're not careful, decade to decade. Then It comes a little period of days in the year where suddenly we're free to enjoy a limited piece of life, traveling to foreign places and not having to worry about meeting our work's obligations, period which we enjoy except for a little thing, the recurrent thought in our minds reminding us that soon It will end. There's a lot of problems that a work can bring in exchange for a sum of money, such as losing our valuable time in things that we can't escalate to gain more income, a lack of independence and the fact that with enough repetitions, It can become monotone. However, the worst effect that a 9 to 5 job has on us is that of a lack of purpose, which brings a feeling of emptiness and boredom that we can feel resonate in each and every day of our lives. This is precisely why in this article I will talk about all the decisions that If taken can cause that feeling of boredom and what we can do about It, all so you can become more aware of your own problems and fight for a better life that is in your control. Let's begin:

IImage taken from Author: Peggy_Marco

Lack of Control

When you get a job, you're giving the control remote of your brain to another person, all for a paycheck that whatever the amount is, It is not enough. This will cost you a lot of opportunities and meaningful events that can bring you a lot of peace or even needed stress, making you more complacient and in result more bored through a set of hours that aren't even productive, being dreaded to a zombie-like payroll. The cure to this is to begin to create independent sources of income (Such as businesses, Channels or even creating E-Books) where you can control the whole process, deriving meaning and suficient stimulus to be entertained even If the chances of It going wrong are high, filling the void of a purposeless existence. Then, when after enough effort and learning you can begin to make sufficient revenue to not be dependant on your job, you can leave It and begin a better way of life.

Image taken from Author: geralt

No time

When you have no control over the decisions taken with regards to your work, you also don't have a real control with regards to your time. For the majority of the days of the week you'll be forced to do tasks that you find burdensome, repetitive or even unpleasant, taking a toll in your dignity and substracting hours of your life, a life that you don't know If It might end tomorrow. The cure to this is an independent approach to risk, saving the required amount to survive while getting a part-time job, dedicating the free time to your projects with relentlessness until they can generate the necessary amount to make you free and not dependant on a job.

Image taken from Author: PIRO4D

Not enjoying the beauty of the world

Everyone enjoys a little hike once in a while, discovering new horizons and visiting exciting places. Why? This is because of the deviations from our routines and the reconnection with our past as members of something that we tend to forget exists: Nature. Sadly, most of the time If we're not stuck in our jobs we're looking at our phone and laptop screens, scrolling through social media and viewing content that we already know is not good for us, thing that even If we know It is true, we still indulge in this, leaving us with a greatly diminished capacity to focus, feeling worse with every stylized depiction of somebody else's life and even worse, devoid of meaning while not being able to enjoy what the real world has to offer. If you find that you are spending too much time in your phone, then It might be time for you to consider taking a trip to a local place, It being a park, a mountain, or any little piece of nature that you can visit to enjoy the marvels that life has to offer, all while reducing little by little how much hours you dedicate to these platforms.

Image taken from Author: susan-lu4esm

With this I'm not saying that all social media platforms are inherently bad and have nothing to offer (As I think that this one in particular is really benefitial when It comes to acquire quality content and educating ourselves) though that you should spend your time in It wisely, avoiding the damages that all this overstimulation can bring you, making you much more aware and present in the moment

At the same time I'm not telling you that all jobs are worthless and that all people should stop working, though what I'm really trying to explain is that If you don't enjoy trading your time for money in something you don't like, you should take the best alternatives to leave It and get Income from something you at least can endure doing for the rest of your life. I hope that this article could have been of use to you, providing you with some things that might be causing you distress and how to fix It, letting you know that a life is not boring because of doing the same thing over and over, though It is because of taking the same bad decisions over and over again. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
