The pain of not taking action

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1 year ago

Hell comes when you don't do It

There have been many of situations where you might be overrun by excuses, procrastination and all those little machinations of your mind to get you to not do what you would be supposed to. From not talking to that cute stranger that you really want to approach to cleaning your room or spending time with your family, There'll always come a sensation after that, one of deep despair and guilt for not being able to do things and set things right, the pain of inaction. This kind of pain is different from the pain you might experience doing hard physical things or demanding cognitive tasks that spur your growth. That's why in this article I will make comparisons between the pain of action and the pain of inaction, explaining why the first one is the best option to take. Let's begin:

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and what doesn't makes you stronger slowly kills you

Analyzing the many contrasts that exist between these two types pain, we can put as an example two situations: One, avoiding that pile of assignments you should be doing right now and the other diving into It. In the first scenario, you will feel, after the rejection and all the things you do instead of working on your essays, a little feeling that only grows with time: That of deep disappointment in yourself and doubts about your self worth, making you feel really bad by not being able to do what you should do. This pain will only become worse and will make you more prone to reject meaningful things in the future, acting in the long run as a devilish positive feedback loop.

The second type of pain, the pain of action, is what makes us feel bored when doing something hard, or even in the discomfort produced when we're working out, this, in opposition to the one caused by inaction, is quick and direct, in the moment blinking like a police siren, alerting your system of all that's happening. In this part there might come a lot of things from your brain as a response: Complaints, seeking funnier alternatives to the activity performed and distractions, all this being part of your subconscious and made stronger If you were avoiding things in the past. However, by sitting through all that work, you'll be able to gain a lot of things like self-respect and satisfaction caused by the delayed gratification.

Now that we explained both, we can say which one is really the most painful, though now we'll explain why the pain experienced while doing something is the most viable option:

Suffer for what's right

By taking headaches in order to learn or execute something that is going to cause a better outcome than doing nothing, you'll be able to gain a lot of things, from knowledge in how to do It better, to momentum in order to achieve further things. All this, when compared with the existential suffering of constantly thinking your way out of action, will prove benefitial for your development in life. As the only way to progress is to act and not let dust gather in your place. So take into account to suffer for the right cause, and that's making your life better.

I hope that with the information presented you could have gathered more knowledge as to how not acting can bring you hell on earth, and why doing the opposite, acting is the best path to follow in life in order to have a happy, meaningful life. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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$ 0.02 from @SuperJulalaine
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1 year ago


I agree. Imagine or be realistic, just take a look around the community we are living with. Those who takes action, sooner you will find in the good life you also dreamed of years ago and those who are slack will be stuck in the same position or situation.

"Take into account to suffer for the right cause, and that's making your life better."

Suffer for the right cause and improve your life day by day, weekly and year after year.

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1 year ago

The pain that comes with action is acute, scars you, and makes you grow. The pain that comes from inaction is low-grade, softens you.

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1 year ago