The influence of competence in confidence

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1 year ago

When we do good, we feel good

One of the things that shines because of Its absence in the present world is confidence, with people being shier than ever about showing their real selves, whether It is because of the fear of the repercussions that might come with authenticity such as sounding polarizing or because of their own doubts regarding their position in the direct group they are interacting with. However, what many don't take into account is the direct correlation between how confident we are and how good we are doing at life. That's why in this article I will talk about the influence of competence in confidence, all so you can realize that maybe your problems of authenticity and communication come from not doing enough, pushing you to develop skills that you can feel proud of, thing that will show in your demeanor. Let's begin:

Why do we feel confident when we are experts?:

Our ability to interact in a competent way with other people is a skill in Itself, and the more we put that skill in practice, the better we become at It. That's why If you see someone that works in a field where highly social interactions are the norm like a salesman whenever they are in casual settings they will tend to quickly merge themselves and thrive in those situations, while people that don't interact with people that much perform poorly in those instances.

However, this process is not as easy as It sounds, as just talking to a couple of people that you know won't get you far on being a nice conversationalist. What separates salesman from people in other fields is not only the amount of interactions they have with other people, though also the variety of personalities they interact with and how many times they have been exposed to rejection and failure. Through this direct feedback they have acquired skills in a much faster way than It would take a normal person to do.

Then how can I become more competent?

As I've pointed previously, what you will need to reach a higher level of confidence is not some secret trick to fix all your problems though deliberate practice and the courage to withstand rejection and awkwardness. And this doesn't mean that only talking with the people you have known all your life will get you far with regards to your confidence levels, as you will need to constantly challenge yourself by engaging in conversation with others outside of your comfort zone, learning what they feel comfortable with, what excites them and what they will be open to share.

I hope that this little article could have been of benefit to you, telling you why confidence is only a result of your hard earned competence in the social field, all while telling you the truth of engaging in conversation with others, encouraging you to try without regards of how It might turn out, as It won't be as awkward as you think It is.

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1 year ago
