The importance of sunlight

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1 year ago

What our buddy in the sky can help us with

We tend to take the sun for granted, being there for us when we wake up (Most of us) and disappearing late in the afternoon all while granting us a lot of benefits that we don't get that often due to our low levels of exposure to this heavenly body. Coupled with this, a perception of the sun as something eminently bad due to the emphasis we put on Its negative effects has led us to believe that we should avoid It at all costs. However, this is far from the best thing we could do, as we should get sunlight early in the morning for a moderate time to get the most out of It, reason for why I will talk in this article about the importance of sunlight, highlighting the benefits It can bring to your life and your health to make you consider It again. Let's begin:

1.- Regulating the Immune System

Between one of the main things that the sun can do for us is to stimulate the production of Vitamin D, which has a vast array of perks such as increasing testosterone production, absorbing calcium, which is critical for building bone and probably the most important of all, regulating our immune system, helping us fight illnesses and infections.

2.- Boosting your mood

Not getting enough sunlight in your day can cause depression due to lower levels of serotonin in your system. Not only that, but It also interrupts your circadian rhythm, which tells your brain when to execute certain functions in the day, causing a feeling of fatigue and despair. That's why If you get a good amount of sunlight per day, you can increase your overall happiness and mood stability.

3.- Improving Sleep Quality.

By not interrupting your circadian rhythm, you will have a more stable internal clock that tells you when you should wake up and go to sleep, making It much more probable that you will be able to go to sleep earlier in the evening If you get enough sunlight in the morning. That's why If you want to sleep better you should expose yourself in reasonable amounts of time to the sun.

I hope that this article could have been of help to you, providing many reasons as to why getting sunlight can work wonders for you and your body, making you a much healthier and happier individual through better sleep, a strong immune system and a stable mood. I encourage you to get enough time (10-20 minutes daily) of exposure to the sun so you can see the positive benefits of It and make your life significantly more positive.

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1 year ago
