The importance of spending time with your loved ones

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2 years ago

Nothing like a hug from the right person

We all pass through dark times, periods where nothing seems to go right for us, where we would like for the earth to swallow us and we don't know If we can overcome all of our troubles, though for the most part we do. Crucial parts of keeping our sanity during our progress are our own character strength and accountability, though we can't leave behind the support of those that really care and want only the best for us. It's with this series of paragraphs that we pay homage to those beautiful people that have given us their trust and love, the importance of spending our time with them and actual benefits that It brings to our life. Let's begin with some ways to recognize those people that really deserve to be called our loved ones and why to be grateful of having them.

Recognize the people that truly care for you:

Feeling happy with your successes and helping you learn from your failures:

Nothing like someone that genuinely gets happy with our achievements, congratulating us and giving us a pat in the back. Also, for the times where things don't go as planned, listening to our struggle and giving us words of encouragement are excellent signs to detect that someone is worth keeping.

Telling us the truth even If we don't like It

One of the harder things to do is to accept when we are messing up and should be making the right decisions, this is where the help of our loved ones come handy, by telling us what we want to hear, though what we need to hear they show they really care.

They're always there for you:
One of the main signs that a person really wants the best for us is to be always there for you, where even if they're not available all the time, they are sure to leave messages or come by frequently enough to show that they haven't forgotten about you and really want to keep up.

Why to be Grateful?

Well, one thing is sure: That one day we all must go. Life is so short and anything can happen to anyone at any moment, so having in mind that tomorrow can be the last days of those you spend time with or even of your own life, can keep your eyes open as to why those people are really important to you. They might not be perfect, though no one is, so accepting their flaws and giving that support back should be one of your priorities in life as a way to have a meaningful existence and keeping you grounded.

Even if I repeat It in every article, thank you for your support and giving me the opportunity to publish in this beautiful platform. I hope that with this article you can recognize better those people that you should keep in your life and understand the reasons to not take them for granted. So, as always, Good Luck for all of you!

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2 years ago


I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We don't have all the time in the world so we better make sure we spend it with what we care for and love the most. Those people who love us definitely would like to correct us for our own betterment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's hard to recognize those who truly love us but once we do it our life becomes beautiful once we decide to stay with them only

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2 years ago