The importance of No

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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Education

Even better than a Yes

In the modern age, where all that people talk to us is positive affirmation, getting a yes from others in order to sell, feel accepted or simply not being seem as rude or inconsiderate, we seem to forget that there's a magical word for saying that we disagree with what is being said to us, that we don't want 300+ more channels for the Cable TV we don't use or simply to just put an end to harassment, the word No. In this little article we'll talk about this beautiful part of our language, how much It really means and Its importance in social situations, as to reasons to take It more into account in the modern age. Let's begin by showcasing the limitations and possible causes of why most people don't say no to things they really don't like.

Why people don't say no:

For people that are not so naturally assertive, It becomes a harder task to express a negation to implicit petitions, all for different reasons that are pretty much connected at the end of the day. We'll highlight the more crucial ones here:

Fear of Refusal:

This might be one of the main factors that contribute to the avoidance of conflict by expressing negation to certain statements or behaviors, as we tend to exaggerate how the other person might respond when we refuse what they present, thinking that they are going to erupt into a reprimand, temper tantrum or even a physical altercation when that's not the case. Most people are pretty much in the same spectrum as you when It comes to conflict and even If they are more aggressive they would prefer anything over doing something so time consuming that It might take your energy and cloud your mind with an uncomfortable scene repeating over and over, so don't agree to things you don't want to do.

Guilt for Not Helping:

Other contributing cause, as when we say no to an specific command or petition, the feeling of guilt that ensues, specially in the more emphatic types of person becomes bigger and bigger, so at the end we end up accepting to whatever we've been told, even If we don't really like It.

Hate of being seem as a "Bad Person"

Another fear of us is that by rejecting something that's being told to us, we'll automatically be seem as a "Bad Person" making us prone to all kind of moralizing and scolding from others and with this to make a wrong judgement of us.

The Importance of saying "No"

We're all different and with this inevitably we'll have distinct opinions in many topics, which, at the end of the day will get us to disagree sooner or later. Imposing our own opinions and gathering more assertivity is a key component to increasing our levels of self-steem, as we are able to actually formulate ideas that are proper to us and that we find satisfying, suffering the hell of insincere relationships, constant feelings of low self worth and manipulation in the opposite side of the coin. Saying No will prove Its worth in the future as we'll be able to make better decisions and avoiding us the pain of making choices that we'll regret further in life. Also, by expressing our refusal, we communicate our independence and strength as individuals, making us, at the end, more assertive.

We hope that with the piece of information presented, you can get a new point of view about the use of the word no and how It can change your life for the better, so we encourage you to be more assertive and say what you really think. Good Luck!

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Avatar for JophMax
2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Education


Saying no can put someone in to trouble and saying no can also defend someone from trouble, our no can also kill some one and our no can save someone.

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