The importance of hobbies

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2 years ago

Putting little boats inside of a bottle is not nonsense

We all had and might still have hobbies (And no, checking your phone is not a hobby), activities that we develop for our own pleasure and that are destined to sharpen a particular skill of ours. This kind of tasks can be pretty relaxing and actually a pathway for new opportunities on our field. In this little article we'll talk about hobbies, their importance and how actually engaging in one can bring benefits to your life.

What is a hobby?

As we've pointed before, a hobby is a particular occupation that we dedicate time to, usually outside of our work routine, for our own enjoyment, in this way being able to relax and focus in a healthy type of diversion from our everyday struggles.

The importance of hobbies:

Actually hobbies are a pretty healthy type of task to develop, as It involves that we focus in a particular subject for a determined period of time, which represents a great advantage when compared to its alternative, checking social media and using another types of entertainment, where our attention gets fragmented in little slots of time that at the end of the day make us less present and distracted when trying to approach our work. Another one of the factors that contribute to hobbies being such a great way to spend free time is the value of developing an ability because of this, in the case that we practice hobbies that revolve around learning a particular skill. To top it off, participating in these pratices proves to be very relaxing, by providing us with a gateway out of the stress of our daily lives by just immersing ourselves in the pursuit of the selected hobby.

We hope that with this little piece of information we can reignite your interest for practicing different types of tasks in order to get the most out of your free time and finding that which is meaningful and at the same time fun for you. We wish the best of lucks when trying to find the hobby that best fits you!

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2 years ago


Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life

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2 years ago

Some one without a hobby is something else, hobby can detect who you are and what you are doing

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2 years ago

There's a quote " A life without any hobbies is like sweet without cake" I bought DSLR camera just only for full fill my hobby

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2 years ago

I like that part that hobby are things we do that keeps us relax. Surely ones hobby should be a thing to enjoy and make them relax and especially sharpens the brain and mind.

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2 years ago