The fallacy of "Being Yourself"

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1 year ago

Don't Let "yourself" fool the real you

All across our lives when we faced difficult situations in the social realm and we sought advice from our peers, they always told us the same thing, "Just be yourself", which, even If well meant was a statement so vague and at the same time counterintuitive when It came to our interactions with others, not recognizing that whether we want It or not, we're more akin to chameleons when It comes to talking with others, all depending in the context and the people we're with. You'll surely behave differently when you are with your friends than when you are at a job interview, and that's a fine thing, as even If you tried, you wouldn't be able to recognize the whole entirety of you. That's why in this article I will talk about a set of reasons as to why you should stop trying to be "Just Yourself", all in order to not get stuck in the same behaviors and become the best you can be. Let's begin:

1.- Tells you to stop trying to be better:

So many people found themselves in a loop of complacency and self destruction that comes with thinking this way. If people are told all their life that If they mantain the same state and keep the same core values, as flawed as they can be, they will surely thrive in life. Well, this won't serve you at all in the real world. In a place where you are punished with the consequences of your action or inaction, It is more than apparent that If you want to change what you get, you have to also change your method and practices. If you always choose the quickest route to anything just because "It is you" as an excuse to your laziness, you won't get any further to your goals.

2.- Mistakes Learned Behaviors for your real personality:

Even If I am a believer than most often than not, behaviors "out of the line" form part of the shadow of a person more than we like to admit, to think that any reproachable behavior is a subset of your personality is deeply wrong, as any bad habit, conduct or response can be learned through different and drastic means, like trauma or the influence of social groups. If you think that being the class clown everywhere will be succesful without taking into account that you're valuable in other accounts, all because that's what your classmates considered you, you're down for a bad time.

3.- Doesn't let you challenge yourself:

By being "just yourself" you'll give you an open passage to do the worst things you can do to the person that matters the most in your life, yourself, and always have an excuse for doing so. By not letting yourself question your real motives or If this conduct is something that really portraits your integrity as a person, you'll find yourself with a pampered child that is so afraid of what he can find inside, so he decides to stay in the same hell he was. So always be sure to ask If they way you're acting like is contributing to make you a better and more integrated person.

I hope that the information presented could be of use to you, reiterating that just because people tell you that It is okay to stay in your current position as a person It won't make It really okay, only you can find If you're satisfied with the way that life goes, and instead of thinking that you should always be who you are, you should tell yourself that you should always strive to be the best version of yourself. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
