The Do Something Principle

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2 years ago

Actions for Motivation

People usually get caught in this predicament: They look at their unorganized rooms and at their dirty kitchens with a feeling of contempt and anxiety, however, they do nothing to fix It. All this might have to do with a wrong belief than to do something you have to be motivated. This is a detrimental way of looking at things which only makes you rely on an unpredictable factor as motivation, which might come at any moment. However, there's a way to create motivation to do things, and that's action Itself. That's why in this article I'll explain to you how to look at action and motivation more as a loop than a linear process, where even the most remote action can further spark what you need to do in order to get what is good for you. Let's begin by looking at why so many people don't do what they're supposed to:

Pleasures and Distractions

With internet and our phones/consoles, we have all the sources of entertainment at our disposal and all the information we want with the tap of a button regardless of how bad It might be. In this way we find ourselves constantly distracted and bombarded with immediate rewards that have no merit to them and don't bring the same joy as meaningful work. By repeating these behaviors we begin to create resistance in our minds, resistance that shows Itself everytime that we have to do something challenging, presenting us with all kinds of excuses and alternatives to avoid It, all these distractions being more pleasurable and less demanding than the activity Itself.

Now that we know why It happens to us, we can begin to look at how action instead of waiting for divine intervention to bring us to do something can actually break this:

Action for Motivation

This principle indicates that in order to feel motivated to do something that is important or benefitial for you, you just have to begin by making an action that has less impact and resistance for you, such as brushing your teeth, taking a shower or those effortless things that can make you gain momentum in order to achieve harder things.

Let's say you have to write code for the domain of your company, and you begin to feel resistance and laziness hit you. However, in order to create the required stimuli to begin working, you take a shower, then put on your clothes again and feel a sudden burst of energy, so you don't lose anytime and you go right to your computer with your IDE.

I hope that with the presented article I could have given you some insight as to why just relying on pure motivation can be really detrimental to you and how a new approach, acting to create motivation to act further, can be a gamechanger to the way you realize things and your procrastination problems. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago
