The Dangers of being a "Snob" - Part l

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2 years ago

There's always someone like this in parties

We as humans have been blessed with the ability to perceive different stimulus through the use of the nerves distributed across our whole body, or what we know as senses. With the use of these we have been able to detect and distinguish what's good from what's bad for us for millennia, to perceive how far something is from us and to gather things of the best quality. Besides from this, in the last years the creation of elements that are entirely dedicated to please the senses, or what we know as art has become more and more available and with It the many shapes and forms of It. From renaissance paintings to Orchestral or Hip Hop Music, all due to different combination of factors and periods in time, which had made timeless classics to many different people. Since music and art are merely subjective in their appreciation, every person is entitled to their opinion of what they consider the best and what they look as the opposite without having to feel guilt for doing so. Tell that to the individuals we'll look at in this series of articles, Snobs. These kind of people represent a subgroup of society that likes to think of itself as superior to others, though not from real accomplishment, though by their taste. In the next series of articles we'll discuss what a snob exactly is and was initially, how to spot one and how to avoid becoming one. Let's begin with the definition of a Snob.

What is a Snob?

One of the theories for the root of this term has to be the abbreviation of the latin word "sine nobilitate" or without nobility, a term used with frequency in universities of prestige in Great Britain when they were forced to accept students that weren't from noble families or from the highest ecchelons of society. Even though the term still prevails to this day, now It has changed in Its meaning and how people understand It, being used to refer to people that imitate and accept in an exaggerated way behaviors that are considered as elegant and distinguished, such as might be in the realms of fashion, music, plastic arts, dance and many other creative endeavours, taking almost an aggresive edge to their defense of what they consider as "hip".

How to spot a Snob:

Detecting if someone is a Snob is not that hard, It usually can be reflected in the way they treat other people with opinions that differ from them in their chosen topics of expertise, where they'll usually demean, either on a passive aggresive with subtle signs such as intellectual coldness and sarcasm or in an active way with a reprimand, the taste of whoever has chosen to share what they like with them. One common example of this can be seen with many people that devote themselves to wine appreciation, which by Itself isn't a bad thing, though If someone tells to you that they really like one particular brand of Chardonnay that you consider as repugnant and lash out at them with an overtly complicated explanation of why their wine belongs to the trashcan and they should get new papillae, then you can be sure that you're a snob.

I hope that with this little introduction to this series of articles you can get a better understanding of what a snob is, what is the reasoning behind their exaggerated sense of righteousness over opinions and how to spot them. In the next article we'll talk about how to be more acceptant to others opinions as simple as they can be and how you can enjoy and see the sublime, even in the things that might appear to you as "Basic". Thank you for your support and Good Luck!

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2 years ago
