The Dangers of a Nihilistic Attitude - Part ll

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2 years ago
Topics: Research, Learning

The denial of everything

In the previous article I talked about what a nihilistic attitude was, being the conductual manifestation of the approaching of this philosophy school, denying the value of anything in existence and Its meaning. We also mentioned the two categories in which nihilism can be divided along with the thought of those who practice It. Today, in Its continuation, we'll talk more about the effects that the adoption of these beliefs can have in your immediate surroundings and the way the world is represented to you and the harm that It can cause. Let's talk about the dangers of the nihilistic attitude in the short term.

Its dangers:

Since the beginning of our time as species, in our tribal past, where unity was the main component for our survival, the sharing of common myths and ways to give a higher value to existence were the element that made us capable to get along in such a large scale, with communities growing larger and larger through this meaning. That means that "spirituality" or structures of value are something proper to our existence, and what happens when you take that? total despair. The lost of things to regard as valuable strips us away to any purpose in life, It makes us rationalize everything away from our responsibility and putting the blame in a general margin to our existence as species, from a single "Why to clean my room? If the expectations of a clean room are just a construct of society" to even more extreme thoughts such as "We're the plague in the world and there's no solution but to get rid of us". This attitude of "not caring" makes us deny everything we've evolved to be and Is deeply imprinted in our nature, which at the end of the day will have grave consequences in our relationships to other people and in our sanity individuals.

Responsibility is part of human life, whether you like It or not, and you can see how badly it will result If you choose to get away from all of It, where for most individuals, an intense feeling of shame and guilt will begin to make itself present, which will motivate them to act. If something isn't done to remediate this, and even worse, the guilt is projected into something else, It can result in a deep resentment, whether to a particular person or a group/community. At the beginning this resentment will be passive, thinking all day about the wrong that the other part has caused to us and the world as a whole and how, in a future instance, It can grow to even homicidal heights, where the taking of lifes becomes justified by the perpetrator as he/she invents a reason to all of this, narrative to which nihilism fits like a glove.

We're a species focused on goals as any other intelligent animal would be, usually in getting means to survive, reproduce, thrive and even perfect our craft pursue to which we dedicate most of our lives and to which we attribute our joy as any little obstacle gets overcomed and to the victories we get along the way. Not having a particular goal and replacing this with a nihilistic attitude will bring a great sense of boredom as we don't have anything to struggle for, and since we will have too much time because of this, we'll dedicate It to think, which with the foundations of this behavior, will bring us to a personal hell. I hope that with this series of article I can guide through which was basically my way of thinking about the world through my teenage years and to warn you about the dangers of keeping with this in the long run. As always, I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do!

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2 years ago
Topics: Research, Learning
