Regret of Wasting your life

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1 year ago

All those years to the garbage bin

Feeling time slip out of our hands, a common occurrence that happens to us as we look back to all the missed opportunities and the success we could have achieved If we did certain thing, being miles away from where we are right now and closer to our dreams, in this way aggravating your perception of the future and making our lives more miserable. Well, beating yourself up over this won't make It all better, and giving yourself up on your own potential could mean that you're also throwing the future years to come to the pit, as there's never an age too old to reach what you desire. However, If you are still young and are figuring what to do with your life, this article could prove of use to you, providing a handful of advice in order to prevent the regret of wasting your youth. Let's begin:

Don't have fear of failure:

Probably one of the things that mostly impedes us from doing what we really love. Fear is something that has plagued us since the beginning of times, providing us with a guideline of responses when faced with threats that can affect our physical well being. The downside to this is that our brain has a tendency to not be able to recognize what's a real menace from what is far from that, usually imagining the worst case scenario and terrifying us with the uncertainty of that happening, preventing us from taking action. However, something you must recognize is that If you let fear win, It will only grow stronger over time and will seriously decrease the chances of you surpassing It. That's why you should remember a some things: You're still young, you can survive whatever life throws at you and that failure is not something bad, though a lesson to do things better the next time, gaining precious knowledge for the future with our errors, so better take the chance while your hair is not grey.

Recognize when you're putting excuses:

This goes hand to hand with the first point, as when fear hits us, we tend to rationalize our resistance into ways to stop us from doing what we should really do, and as we keep repeating to ourselves these excuses, we become better and better at It, convicing us to deviate from our true calling life and only do expedient things. That's why you should really train yourself to listen to yourself whenever you're faced with something that you refuse to do and identify the excuse, calling yourself out on that and taking action.

You'll always start being a beginner:

If you're already in a point of mastery at a particular discipline, you can understand how It was the first time you began doing that activity, making a ton of mistakes and being but a shadow of what you are now. Well, you don't have to be a master to understand that whatever you do, you won't reach perfection all at once, and that's why nobody will judge you If you commit mistakes when you begin. So don't be fearful of trying, because everybody starts in the same place.

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, especially If you're a young adult trying to figure out what to do with your life, giving you encouragement to always move forward and to not let fear dominate you, making you know that most than not, the hardest part will be beginning. Thank you for your suport and good luck!

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1 year ago


There will always be good and bad things in our path, the most important thing is to continue, to insist and learn more and more.

Following our dreams and working to achieve them is also important.

Recently a great friend and artist told me "always follow your dreams and fight for them, no matter how crazy they are" She is an artist and comes from a family of doctors and lawyers who never believed in her. Now she is a great artist and her family supports her because she has already achieved success.

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1 year ago