Power Naps

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2 years ago

Can I sleep at Work?

When we're at work, while learning or performing a demanding cognitive activity we use much of our energy in order to make advances, which might be as tiresome as physical activities such as exercise, and as anything that uses your focus, your performance decreases over a prolonged period of time. Since god knows when, people had been using different methods in order to keep sharp and productive, one example of this being the use of caffeine. However, one less popular option, though not for that less effective is the use of Power Naps, an alternative that does not take too much time and can give great increments in our levels of energy and focus that might help us throughout the day. Let's begin by explaining what they are:

What is a Power Nap?

Though It has been put in practice since a really long time, It didn't gain a specific name till recently. A "Power Nap" is just a short period of time, about 15 to 30 minutes long, where the person takes a nap in order to increase his/her productivity and keep their levels of focus in a stable rate.

It's recommended to perform at intervals where the person feels their energy levels decreasing, in order to get the most of them.

Why not more than 30 minutes?

As studies had shown, sleeping for more than 30 minutes, we usually shift from the two first phases of NREM sleep to deeper states, where waking up suddenly might bring exactly the opposite of what we seek, causing sleep inertia, a phenomena in which the person wakes up confused and more tired that when they fell asleep.

Benefits of Power Naps

As we've said before, It mainly helps the person to feel less tired and to be more cognitively sharp throughout your work period, though entering more in detail, here are some of the other ways It can help you.

  • Increases in overall performance and the ability to concentrate.

  • Decreases in Fatigue

  • Having a better mood

  • Augmented Reflexes and learning capacity.

We hope that with the previous series of paragraph, we can help you to take into account the role of naps into your daily routine, which might prove for the better upon Its application bringing a more focused day for you, making you feel and act better. Have a nice Day!

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2 years ago


very good article. I invite you to read my most recent article on my blog that is interesting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Power naps are really important and I hope more people will realize its value, especially those who are working.

$ 0.00
2 years ago