Overcoming Writer's Block:

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2 years ago

Now what Do I write about this?

Whether it is a book, a song or a speech, we know that not all days we'll be in tune with our desired product, letting our insecurities creep to our minds and not letting us finish what we vehemently want to put out to the world, giving space to the so called writer's block. In the present article we'll present you with some strategies for combating this common dilemma we all face, along with some reasons of why it might happen. Now, let's begin:

What is writer's block?

Writer'stinue his/her work while letting a great variety of block is what happens when a person making a task that involves creative writing hits a deep end, not being able to continue his/her work whole letting a great variety of factors to stole his/her focus.

Possible causes of writer's block:

As anything we face while realizing our endeavours as writers, there's always a reason as to why It happens. Here are some that might provoke the creative block in your part:

  • Insecurities About the Quality of the work:

    When it comes to making new pieces of work, we all are perfectionist at heart, though this might prove to our detriment in some stages, as doubts of how the spectator might interpret what's presented to them or about If we are really doing our best come to our mind.

  • Not having enough knowledge or experience:

    Another one, that not necessarily involves only creative writing, where a general lack of "knowledge" or the right kind of teachings in the particular field impede the writer from finding the best phrasing to portray all the data correctly.

  • Losing Interest:

    Nothing that's worth doing is easy, and as the overinflated expectatives of the writing process come to a halt, the individual feels his/her whole competence questioned, bringing with a that a whole series of rationalizations of why X projectis not that good and why they should be doing other things, or simply postponing indefinitely.

Enough chat for the causes, now we'll seek solutions.

How to overcome writer's block:

1.- Recognizing the Cause of the Writers Block: This will give us the details in order to strategize for a future plan of action.

2.- This step will vary according to the causes, as for the ones explained previously:

  • For doubts about the quality of the work, comes the use of an output oriented mindset, where we only have right to our work and not the fruits of It, this meaning that recognizing the project as just one of the many pieces of our catalogue in a more professional way is the correct path of action.

  • As for not having enough knowledge or experience, the way to get past It is pretty much expected. Just acquiring more information through different sources and experimenting with more options might give the required edge to the writing in order to keep focused.

  • And at last, for losing interest comes the hardest of all, where taking the process as the only way to get to the end line and suffering through It are the solutions, so having and keeping mental resilience is the exclusive manner in which we can overcome writer's block in this point.

    We hope that with this information, you'll be able to keep acting as a writer effectively, not listening to rationalizations of why not to continue, increasing your knowledge in the field and getting the work done anyways. As always, Good Luck!

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2 years ago


sometimes I suffer from writer's block. What I do is just go outside and experience nature.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also observed that sometimes writer's block may arise because we have already set ourselves on writing on a particular topic at hand. Sometimes I leave that predetermined topic and choose another one. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your take on the subject, sometimes It can be constricting to be forced to write about a subject that doesn't captivate us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I may add, when encountering writer's block, it helps if you take a break for a while. Go for a short walk to the kitchen, rest your eyes a bit, have a chat with someone... It's easy to get drained when you're too occupied with what you're doing. Replenish :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're absolutely right. While taking breaks and performing activities unrelated to your writing task, the right words and Ideas to portray the topic at hand will come to your mind, so It's really useful to give yourself a little rest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago