News, the dark side of information

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2 years ago

Whatever It takes to grab your attention

When we look at the news we have a great array of emotions, from anger to sadness to even hatred towards other person, though there's something odd enough about It, the fact that there's not a single positive new in most publications and If there are they are quickly overshadowed by content that only points the finger at the worst parts of our nature. You might think that all this has to do with the fact that the world is a horrendous place where only bad things happen, though this is not really the case and the cause for all the negative news has to do with the purpose that the media that produces them has, to catch your attention via the quickest and most effective route, through your negative emotions, making you project those things that you don't like to look at yourself into others, at the end of the day leaving you with a bad mouth taste and an internal sense of discomfort, all because of their strategies to get you.

Why this happens?

The world is changing in an unavoidable way, and with that, the old ways of receiving information are fading, such as TVs, radios and all those devices and lines of communication where big new outlets have their control. Even in the realm of the internet, people usually prefer to look at dedicated communities in social media for their source of information, taking away a great amount of the viewers from the news. In response to this, they have to resort to aggressive tactics in order for the spectators to pay attention, so they use all kind of exaggerated versions of a certain event to cause outrage and gain all the views they seek, even coming to the point of masking such statements as scientific truths.

What to do about It?

The only way for It to not let It affect you is to limit the amount of time you spend looking at this kind of "informative" content, and whenever you looking at It, to really ask to yourself If whatever you're looking at Is designed to grab your attention through aggressive means, always reflecting If those emotions that are erupting from you are generated in an artificial way by some kind of piece of misleading information. In addition to this, I strongly recommend to get into the practice of self reflection and sorting out your own problems, so you can recognize what triggers your emotional impulses and what experiences have formed your personality so you can recognize effectively why certain emotions pour from you when you read about certain stories.

I know there are still a lot of honest and hardworking journalists out there, so I only expect that with the information presented in this article I could have given you some insight as to why all the news you're looking at always have some negative connotation, the purposes of those that wrote It and how to combat all this downward spiral that the world of journalism is heading into. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago
