Managing your Finances

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1 year ago

Here we go again...

It might look like an overtly repeated indication, though there's nothing but truth when people tell you that one of the most important things for living a tranquile life as an adult is taking care of your personal finances, all so you can avoid many headaches and the dangers of lifestyle inflation, which is living way over your means, driving expensive cars and having designer clothes, all while you're constantly struggling to pay your bills. That's why in this article I'll present you with a series of advices that I hope can help you with your own spending and income management. Let's begin:

1.- It doesn't matter how much you earn, what matters is how you spend It.

Many people think that in order to be financially sound they have to have a six digits income figure, which is not a guarantee of avoiding the troubles of debt and overspending. You might be able to gain an income of 500000+$, though If you're not wise regarding how you use It, you might end up with a lot of overpriced properties and objects which only add up to a debt of even twice what you earn. Once you know this, you can be much more confident of whatever It is that you earn, because If you can manage It properly, you can live a comfortable lifestyle which suits your needs and leisure all while not having to live from paycheck to paycheck.

2.- Cut bad influences from your feed

Sometimes that urge of buying something that you don't even want comes from a much darker place than you expect, being either because of envy or artificial qualities that you think that product will add to your life, all because you saw a post of someone you know or follow using It and It looked cool. That's why something that can help you a great deal is just simply cutting from your feed all those pages and persons that portrait a particular lifestyle that incentivizes increased spending from your part and putting a priority to that content that is actually positive and entertaining for you.

3.- Track the steps along the way

You don't know how much you're actually spending and how much you owe until you actually put It in a physical record. It can be written in a notebook or in a spreadsheet, all you need is to have a place where you can look at It without shame and see how is your financial progress going. In this way you'll be able to monitor constantly your expenses and have a positive visualization of what It'll be like to live without all those unnecesary expenses.

I hope that with the advices presented in this little piece of information I could have given you some valuable resources that can help you in life, making you more aware of the role that external factors have in the way you spend money, how earning big figures of income doesn't mean a thing without the proper education and how looking at your finances from time to time is a benefitial thing for you, all so I can leave you with a last encouragement word, to invest always in yourself first in order to increase your range of knowledge and become a better person. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
