Life is Hard, so What?

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2 years ago

It goes on...

Whether you're a man, a woman, old or old enough, you know one thing: Life is hard, thought that can be a source of distress and anxiety for many when contemplating the uncertainty of the future, anxiety that can paralyze anyone when the unexpected occurs. In spite of that, we still hear stories of people that had faced a great deal of life's worst calamities and still thrived, getting to a point of unprecedented success and wisdom, creating revolutions and paving the way for others with the same predicaments. If life is full of suffering and pain, the only thing you can do to make It all go away is to face It. That's why in this article I'll talk about how to get past the doom that hopelessness about the future can bring, all through 3 tips or principles. Let's begin:

Don't complain, just do:

You can make a little inconvenient a living nightmare by looking at the worst parts of It and whining about them, taking you much further from Its solution. Noone wants to make things worse, and that's why a competent person doesn't complain about what's happening, though he/she accepts It and quickly begins to think about how to turn It around into something positive by fixing It. So, If you want your life to be a little less miserable, stop complaining.

Do It even If you don't want to

    The key to reaching goals is not motivation, but discipline, and we all very well know that, though we don't see It put in practice that often. Today more than ever we're presented with a lot of alternatives to the required time to focus on a particular task deeply, alternatives that are designed to be more entertaining, accesible and less demanding, factors that greatly decrease the chance of us sitting down to do the hard things of life. One thing you have to keep in mind is that results will only come with uninterrupted work in a regular enough fashion in the area you desire to excel at, and that kind of effort will be boring and unbearable at times, though It is entirely necessary for the end goal, so better be doing It consistently.

At the end of the Day, your days are numbered:

The only thing that's certain in life, and there's two ways in which you can receive your unavoidable fate: One that is full of regret and sorrow for all the opportunities not taken and all the nights of headaches over pointless things; and the other, that is characterized by a smile of satisfaction for accomplishing your purpose, having meaningful relationships and having affected your loved ones and others life positively. I don't want to point the obvious to you, though your time in this world is too short to focus in things that are not worth It, so better reevaluate If you're doing what really matters in life.

I hope that this article can be of use to you when you encounter yourself in situations that are hard to get out of or when hitting a rut, showing you why life, If handled in the correct way is far away from something terrifying, though something to cherish and enjoy to the fullest. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago
