Know what are your real needs.

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2 years ago

A new TV won't take off your anxiety

Even though It makes life much more easier and can be a pathway for future improvement If used in the right way, one of the worst beliefs you can have is that If you reach material wealth It will automatically erase all your problems and relief all your depression and anxiety, at the end of the day making you more susceptible to ads that procure to sell you the cure to everything. If you reach a point where you find yourself living comfortably with every one of your needs covered and you still feel like there's a piece missing in the puzzle, then this article is right for you, as It will point you some needs that you might be overlooking or didn't know existed, and pointing out how not meeting them is making you miserable, all while providing you with simple solutions for It without recurring to coping mechanisms or patological behaviors. Let's begin:

The Need to Belong:

One of the most recent phenomena in the digital age is the fact that everyone is more connected than ever, being able to call one another from every place in the world in a matter of seconds. However, even though we can communicate so easily, our relationships are more empty than in any other period of time. All this has to do with the fact that as a species we have evolved to understand the development of social interactions as a direct act, where the emitter and the receiver are in a proximal physical space, using our whole array of senses, even touch and smell, to get our points across and develop relationships, thing which voice calls and messages sadly don't provide for. If you ask anyone about how many people they can turn to in a crisis, they'll usually respond with a simple "none", thus also putting in evidence that even If they know a lot of people, the bonds created with these people lack in the depth required for a true friendship. That's why in order to get this basic requirement of the human being met, you should start hanging out in groups or communities dedicated to an activity that can make you all develop stronger relationships through a shared commitment.

The Need to be Valued:

Accompanied by loneliness, one of the main causes of depression (Through non-biological means) is feeling like we're not appreciated enough, and It doesn't necessarily has to do with people telling us mean things frequently, as It can be triggered through just not having our opinions feel validated with someone listening to us and delivering comments of calue, which usually comes with a lack of human interactions or spending too much time with self absorbed or narcissist peers. In order to feel like you really matter and people deeply care for you, you should go out and talk, all while selecting the quality of the people you really want to be with, making sure that they give you the same amount of respect and care you're providing to them.

The Need for a Purpose

Probably the factor that most people overlook in the search of a fulfilling life. When you don't do the things that make you feel deeply engaged and like you're making a positive contribution to the world, your brain will be fogged constantly with a sense of existential dread, instead providing either activities that will give you a false sense of accomplishment like videogames or social media. That's why you should always strive to find your call in life or, If you already know what It is, pursuing It actively. One cue to know If something is your real purpose, you should look at how much focus you can put in It without making It seem like a chore, in a state where hours pass like minutes. One of your main priorities is to check what you're willing to do for the rest of your days, as It can be the difference between heaven or hell.

I hope that this article could have proven of benefit to you, describing some things you might not be doing, causing distress that you might mistake for illness and give you scope with regards to which are your real needs. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago
