Is It Good or Bad for You?

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1 year ago

What's really satisfying

Our lives are comprised of the activities we partake in and the decisions we take. Sometimes these are good both in terms of fun and being good for us in the long term, like practicing a sport or learning about a topic that really interests us, knowing that It can cause a greater good for humanity. Though there are also the activities that take us nowhere, those that consume our time and our sense of fulfillment, leaving us an empty shell of ourselves after performing them, like scrolling through social media for hours and playing videogames even when you don't find them satisfying. The sad part of all Is that, as years go by, we seem to be doing more of the latter than the first, and this is having a negative influence in not only our perspective though on our immediate reality. That's why in this article I will guide you through a new ways of seeing the way you spend your time, all so you can recognize the things that bring you the most enjoyment and are the most productive. Let's begin:

Is It satisfying or just tempting?

Even if we know that some things are bad for us in the long run, why we keep doing them? That's because of the temptation that comes with them, usually being a better source of instant gratification than the right path, requiring just a fraction of effort of what It would take to put in the work and giving us a false sense of reward. The downside of this is that you can't replicate the satisfaction that comes with doing something that's relatively hard and meaningful, giving us a watered down version of It that will disappear in a matter of minutes or hours as much and leave us with the dread of wasting our time, though still compulsively doing It. As there are things that can grab your attention easily and have a negative impact on you, there are also things that can attract you and cause great results in your quality of life, things that really give you a sense of purpose and a clarity of focus that make the days seem brighter than ever. However, the kind of gratification you usually receive for these comes after you perform It most times (Hence why It's called delayed gratification) and It is certainly more demanding of your mental (Or even physical If It requires muscular memory or learning a particular skills) capabilities to get the best results.

Knowing that there are things that are tempting and dangerous, though also ways to spend your time that bring you sense of purpose and meaning, you are more than ready to recognize what matters in your life and what Is just a waste of your, though to put the nail in the coffin, I will present you with some items to keep in mind to make the distinction much clearer.

Does It really entertain you?

Sometimes we play videogames because they are fun (And this can be something good, as long as they're not being an impediment for the rest of the areas on your life and you really enjoy them), though there are also moments where we seem to begin a new game and feel ourselves empty, not having any real satisfaction from It and dragging our suffering as we keep playing. If something is just tempting you to do It for the sake of It and doesn't make you happy, then It's a clear indication that you should leave It and replace It for something that makes your soul feel great.

How do you feel after It?

If you feel like your energy levels suddenly went downhill, more anxious and bored than before, then you know that It is something that has to be removed. This can be said for binge watching videos or series, as they usually can leave you wondering what happened with the time spent and make you miserable because of It. However, on the flip side of the coin, we can find those things that after doing them leave us, If not with a rush of energy at least with a smile and a sense of satisfaction for doing the right thing. So, If you want to get the upper hand of your routine, better keep those things that leave you empowered after performing them and not the opposite.

I hope that this article could've been of use to you, providing you with a guideline to recognize If you're wasting your time or not through whatever you're doing and making you know that whatever is good for you, Initially It won't be as entertaining as taking the path of least resistance, though in the long run, It will bring you much more pleasure. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
