How to slow time

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1 year ago

What doesn't come back

When we were teenagers we usually became upset with the fact that time passed so slow, being always eager to reach the age of 18 with all the benefits that an adult life could bring, though when we reached this we came to the realization that It wasn't what we really expected and even found out something worse, that the hours we thought so sluggish before were escaping from our hands at an accelerated pace, all with the burdens of responsibility and having to figure out things for ourselves. We might want to control the way days transcur, making the bad moments go away quick and the good to remain longer, though to our dismay this is not something in our control. However, there are a series of principles to abide by which might be able to help your perception of time, principles of which I will talk in this article, describing to you the benefitial effect that their application might have in your life and providing you some light with respect to the future. Let's begin:

Be weary of comfort in all ways

Nothing will make the years go like doing the same thing over and over without even a slight variation, though don't get too comfy. Some people say that a long life is one full of experiences, however, If too many experiences become the norm in yours, this phrase becomes Its own contradiction. When you are constantly seeking new things day by day, you might find that the time will pass as quickly as ever, all because this forms part of your standard routine. Our mind tends to remember those memories that deviate from our standard way of living, letting slip all those weeks of doing the same thing from our brain. Whatever you do, don't do It the same exact way for your whole existence or It will make all fade away too quick to realize. That's why many people that practice certain disciplines are changing with the right amount of frequency the activities in their calendars, all so they can introduce a dose novelty into them and polish all the areas in which they could be better without taking the focus of their main priorities.

If It's boring, then It will go in Slow-Mo:

We've all done something that we don't really want to do, either in the form of going to the dentist or making part of groups which we really don't connect to. What's simmilar in all these experiences is that the hours in your phone were phasing in slow motion, in which 1 minute passed like 1 hour, elongating Its proportions by every time you check at your watch. What you can put in practice in your life so you can experience time slowing down is to do those things that even If they cause you resistance are entirely for your benefit, making you not only more resilient and tough when It comes to fulfilling your duties, though also more aware of the way these periods happen.

Practice Mindfulness

Nothing will make you control time like being present, recognizing those details of the moment that are really worth pointing to. Things like a beautiful landscape, experiences with your loved ones and all those scenarios that remind you that you're only a minimal part of the universe, and even If you're only that, you feel eternally grateful for that. I know that you can't focus on everything with this scope, though doing It frequently enough will make a great difference with regards to the way that the clock moves, stopping It to enjoy the world as It is.

I hope that with this article I could have given you some new ways to look at the way that time passing, representing an advantage with regards to not only your understanding of the way life goes though at the same time make you more patient and giving. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
